Trust Me (Chapter 7)

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   He is asking me to trust him. Merlin is asking me to trust magic. I can't believe I am considering it, but his eyes...this is ridiculous because if Merlin is Emrys, and Merlin heard everything the dragon said, then he must recall that Kilgarah told me to leave because I was a danger to the fulfillment of his destiny. My chest clenches as stress begins to leak from my black pearl eyes.

"Merlin...magic has harmed so many." I want to hide beneath a rock when his expression softens. The self conscious awareness of his compassion writhes my nerves before Merlin's hand is on mine as he gently leads me farther into the center of the clearing, and he becomes my support beam.

"Be ready Tia." He says. "I am going to call him." Though my mind can't wrap around what he means, I steel myself for the worst possible.

"O' drakon!" Merlin suddenly shouts, and my bones jump. Preparing for surprises never works for me I'm afraid. "E mala soi ftengometh tesd'hup anankes!"

Wonder permeates my thoughts as to the meaning of those words; they roared from his throat with force. Merlin has to be Emrys, even though I have no idea why that is relevant right now. The memories of my mother tonight melts away as Merlin and I study each other. My senses eventually become aware of that fact, and I lift my head to the night sky with a vicious blush on my face and a sick stomach. Why am I trusting him? The man with multiple sides to him. The man with a mask.

Volumes of heat breathes down upon us, and Kilgarah's tail scourges the ground. His talons rip out a plethora of grass confetti as he smirks down at me.

"Young love is not wise at this time." Kilgarah motions his head, and Merlin and I both notice our hands are laced together. I drop his hand immediately, and we both hold our breath in embarrassment. I met him two days ago! "The young witch must leave Camelot or you cannot fulfill your destiny."

"I know, but I want to know why." Merlin frowns at the dragon.

"Her motives are pure, but she has a hatred for her own kind." Kilgarah growls. "I should have thought the many reasons were obvious."

"What many reasons?!" My anger kindles hot again. This dragon is infuriating and he speaks in riddles.

"The fact you are here is proof enough. You know too much. You trust too much." Kilgarah's deep voice emits fear into my heart.

"I know too much because of you!" This is the dragon's fault. He called me out of my bed, yanked me out here, made me find Emrys, and now he says I know too much.

"That may be true, which supports the need of you to leave Camelot." Merlin stares at me, and says nothing; he seemed so kind and genuine, but now he agrees with the dragon.

"I'm not leaving," I emphasize. "Yet!" With that I let Merlin continue his conversation with the beast, and I flee back to the castle. I refuse to comply to that lizard's wishes. He has no right. I came here for refuge, not destroying destinies. That will not change. Let's see what he thinks of the person leaving first. I do not have hatred for my own kind, I hate magic, not the people.

I effortlessly make it to Gaius's chambers, but my anger smothers my discretion. I knock down Leon's cup of water to the floor, and even though my fingers itch to clean it up, I let it be. The few labored snores remain constant, and I sigh in relief that no one wakes. Thought rushed back in my mission to get back to the room Merlin let me borrow. I haven't been in Camelot two days and the lizard insists I am a danger. I soon will be if any more of this ridiculousness ensues. Sleep is impossible every time I reposition. Memories echo of recent events, and my mother did not make it easier. I am confounded to think that my mother would give me four weeks to leave Camelot, when she could have just commandeered me away.

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