Ep 1

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"Emily Fitch?" a girl with red hair raises her hand
"K-Katie Fitch?" Emily's twin next to her raises her hand.
"Jonah, uh, Jeremia Jones?" "JJ present" I smile as I look over to JJ.
"James Cook?" "Yo!" James... I'm gonna call him that from now on.
"Eleanor Jenkins?" I raise my hand and I can feel eyes into the back of my head
"Elizabeth Stonem?" Ef just raises her hand too.
A couple other names are read out but I find myself waiting for a certain someone I hope might be in my form
"Erm, Frederick Mclair?" I smile and turn to face him as he finally raises his hand and utters a "yes"
"And Naomi Campbell?" No one answers but people laugh.
"Naomi Campbell!" The teacher uses the megaphone
A girl with short blonde hair finally raises her hand
Cook leans over to her and starts a conversation
Naomi raises her hand "excuse me, boy next to me is acting inappropriately. He wants to show me his tattoo, and not in a nice way"
By now I'd gotten quite bored, so this had sparked my interest.
"Let's see it then!" I half shout to Cook
"No no no cook don't!" Freddie whispers
"Yes! Why don't you show us all your pathetic tattoo, we can wonder at its magnificent stupidity"
Cook undoes his pants and shows everything. Everything.
Only one thing springs to mind. Crayola dick.
I laugh at his stupid fucking tattoo, it's funny after all.
Miss reedy starts to freak out and opens up the cupboard with the basketballs in and they go everywhere.
And to top it off the longest fart I've ever heard was released across the hall.
"Have you just shit yourself Doug?" I shouted over to him
" No I think I'm good for now!" He smiles.
"Elle here's Sids locker!" Panda exclaimed.
"Oh look what the twat had in there, ew!" I say pulling out his magazines.
"Guess I can tick that off" I say chucking it back into the locker I've decided is mine now
JJ, Cook and Freddie come walking down the hallway, staring at every pair of tits in sight.

"Hi" Freddie comes from behind my locker
"Hello Fredrick"
"Don't start that Eleanor" he smiles at me.
"Do you mind if I take this locker?"
"You can take anything if you ask nicely"
"Great. I mean, everything's new and I suppose we should probably, like, you know, all get to know each other."
"Yeah I guess we should. Look, fill out one of these forms. Let's see who can beat each other, yeah? You can even get your friends involved"
"They're just wankers"
"They're your best friends"
Okay, so they're my best friends"
I pull out a flask and start to walk off. " you should get started, I've got 3 done already"
"Wait! Maybe we could help each other finish them. Cause some of these involve more than one. If you erm know what I mean"
"Maybe we could"

As I'm about to walk to form James comes and stands in front of me
"Freddie told me out our little competition, help me tick one off yeah babe?"
"And what would that be?"
"Come set a locker on fire with me, we'll be five minutes ah promise"
"Come on then" I grab his hand and pull him over to a part of the school no one is at.
"Got a lighter babe?" Cook smiled down at me
"Always" I light the book on fire and toss it into the locker
"RUN" he calls back to me.

Me and James run into form out of breath, laughing. Freddie sees us and frowns but quickly hides it.

"Come in, sit down, Jesus Christ I hate my fucking job." Who I suppose our form tutor is, stands up out of his chair and addresses the class.
"Right okay, we've gotta stand up say our names, and a unique fact about ourselves."
"Right, I'll start, Christ erm... I'm Kieran and I hate being a fucking teacher. You" He points to JJ
"Um... I'm JJ and with regard to mathematical aptitude I'm in the top 0.3% of the population, which is an interesting demographic statistic because paradoxically my communication, interpersonal and intuitive skills are towards the lower qualities."
"Yeah you've stopped me in my fucking tracks there, yeah. You."
Katie stands up "erm I'm Katie. I've never not had a boyfriend since I was seven."
"She's proud of that?" I laugh to Naomi. I can already tell I dislike Katie. She just gives this vibe that's so off-putting. It's almost as if she's crawling around begging for attention.
"Congratulations. You"
Emily now stands up slowly "Erm, I'm Emily. I've never had a boyfriend."
"Shit happens. You"
Naomi clears her throat before speaking "I'm Naomi. I hate injustice. People tell lies about me." Ooo i wonder...
I've always been so nosey, I can never keep my interest to myself. I used to make Sid sit with me and tell me everything that was going on with him and his friends. He'd protest but I know he'd secretly love it because it was the most "quality time" we got together as siblings before he left.
"You with the bling"
"I'm Effy, and I think my mums having an affair." Damn Anthea.
"Good one! Shows enterprise."
"What about you big man." He points to Freddie.
"Um...I'm Freddie. Uh,. I met a girl i like today. She's like beautiful." He looks over to Effy's of the room and smiles.
"That's it? That's your unique fact? That's just great."
"You with the purple" he looks at me.
"Erm I'm Elle, and I um really need a piss" people laugh and I don't sit back down.
"Can i go cause I feel like I'm gonna, you know..."
"Go on then, off you go"
As i get out of the door I can just hear Freddie "sir, or uh Kieran can i..." before i walk the toilet.
Not even a minute later, in walks Freddie with a smirk on his face.
I grab my lighter and burn a small part of my palm. Freddie looks at me as if I'm crazy but when I get my list out he realizes why.
"I've only got one left." He moved closer to me, playing with my hair.
"What might that be? What have you got to do?" I tease him.
"You." He purrs into my ear.
He starts kissing down my neck, but i push him away. He looks confused, but quickly recovers. "not here, not now" i walk out.

Just as i'm on my way back to the form room, i see Cook practically running out.. "hiya princess" Cook smirks.
"where you off to in such a rush?" I smile
"oh-uh... Effy..." he whispers, holding the back of his neck.
"Oh?" realization hits me "oh, urm, have fun Cookie."

Please don't be a silent reader if anyone finds this.

burn in hell- jc skinsWhere stories live. Discover now