Ep 3

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On my way home, I get a call from Pandora-
"Jeez Pandora! I'm happy for you, when can I meet him?"
"Actually that's the thing, we need your help, we've got a shit load of weed! Your good at it- uh- you know selling stuff! Fancy coming to a party to help?"
"Uh sure I'll be there later, send me the address"

On my way home, I get a call from Pandora-"ELLE! YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT! IVE GOT A BOYFRIEND, HES CALLED THOMAS AND WE'RE IN LOVE!""Jeez Pandora! I'm happy for you, when can I meet him?""Actually that's the thing, we need your help, we've got a s...

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As I walk over to the car park Panda sent me to, I'm met with the one and only Naomi.
"Hey Naomi! You look amazing!" I try the start the conversation positively, considering the day I've had so far.
"Hi." For Christ's sake, today is going to be a long day.


We walk into the odd looking car park and my attention is caught straight away by Freddie gaping wide mouthed at Effy. Funny how he says he's not interested, I'll just have to show I'm I'm not either.
I barely pay attention to what is going on around me until Cook is lifting up the lid to the party. Pretty cool, I've got to admit.

Once everyone is down, we all set off selling spliff to anyone and everyone in sight. About half way through Cook comes over, smiling but then his face drops.
"Babe I'm sorry, I'm a dick" he sadly smiles. I'm not sure what comes over me because I just reply.
"don't be silly, you've got nothing to apologise for! I'm sorry I upset you cookie."
"You know, you could make it up to me..."
"Really? Are you asking me to shag you James?"
"Shhh keep your voice down, and yes, I need you..."

And there it was, those 3 words were like a trigger and I was on him. Kissing him as he pulled me into a narrow hole that had been made into the drink storage. I've got to admit, he wasn't too bad. Although it wasn't as nice doing it in a makeshift cupboard. We walked out at the same time, he was smiling like an idiot, walking away counting his money.
After our "event" me and Cook had only made around £65, and that's combined.

And that's when Johnny White spots us, and we're running away after Thomas' french wrapping. If I'm honest, I'm not sure what went on, it's all a blur.

After everybody was out of that sweat pit, we all gave Thomas his money.
"This is...you are good people. This is everything I have dreamed of and...Now you are my friends...too.
"Shit" I shout as I see Johnny White looking like a bleached blonde haired skeleton in the front seat of his car.
Him and his trolls jumped out of their scrappy little metal on wheels and stood in front of us.
"Mornin fella, now we're really going to fellate you."
He stared grossly at each one of us, his eyes staying on Cook a little longer than everyone else. He slowly walked towards him, purposely sinking his shoulders, making him look shorter than he already was.
"Gentlemen, didn't I say I'd kill you if I ever saw you again?"
He now takes a hold of the gold chain Cook was wearing around his neck, ripping it from him.
"Believe this is mine."
"Love my work, love it" he says gritting his teeth showing off all the missing ones.
Thomas perks up, and unexpectedly stands up to Johnny
"You must be some kind of English pussy cunt?"
Johnny looks enraged and his trolls look shocked.
"You heard me, I think you are afraid. Possibly your father was a homosexual donkey."
I'm shocked by this, really shocked.
"I will fight you by myself, you can choose any weapon."
Johnny takes a step forward, if he gets any closer he'd be touching Thomas' nose.
"You, you just made my day."
We're gathered round a cafe table, while Thomas and Johnny White sit face to face.
"So in summary, I win, you are my gimp forever, I take all your money, beat you and your mates to a pulp, and my boys r@pē all the women." I gasp and then gulp, I feel a hand snake around my waist and almost freak out until I realised it was James. I hold his hand that is still rested on my hip, and he plays with my fingers.
"Um, boss, the lads...The lads aren't too keen, you know, on-on the r@pē"
"FOR FUCK'S SAKE! I'm talking dangerous! Can nobody talk dangerous any more? Jesus"
"Fucking Bristol. No ambition, no... edge, no style. You know?"

"I'm ready" Thomas said boldly. How do you want to fight?"
"Promise you, your gonna shit yourself. Oh yeah"
Johnny snaps his fingers and it takes his goons a while to realise what he meant. They place down a plate covered over with a cloth
"Ever seen a Naga Jolokia before, Thomas? Hottest chilli on the planet, it's like being fisted by Joe Cazaghe, and Joes still got his gloves on!" Now that is not a pretty thought.
Johnny picks up a chilli and smiles "who flinches...is fucked."
And placed the chilli right into his mouth. I'll be honest I'm quite scared for Thomas, because at first, Johnny doesn't even make a face. He pushes the plate towards Thomas and clenched his fists. Surprisingly Thomas takes a whole hand full, and chews them all without a face.
"Mmh delicious!" We all give him a well done as Johnny's face goes pale as a ghost.
"My mother, she grows these in our garden, we are forbidden to eat them, she will beat us if we disobey. But boys will be boys, and I am a very naughty boy."
"If i win, i pay you no money, and you leave me and my friends alone forever." We all know he's going to win. And with that he pushes the plate towards Johnny one again.

And in the end we're laughing our way out of that cafe, after Johnny shit his knickers and made a fool of himself. We ended up walking to Thomas' flat, the one he now doesn't have to pay for.
James keeps trying to catch my eye, smirking and trying to get to me. We're sat laughing in his living room, until the doorbell goes and all hell breaks loose. Before we know it we're being chased out of his house my his mum and pandas got no top on. To save her little dignity left, I gave her my jumper, now only leaving me in my lacey under top.

We spent the night eating chips and playing in the kids park, now we're all walking with no sense of direction, with no where to go.
"I can't believe it, he's leaving?" I whisper, I'm still in shock.

We're walking home now, well I suppose everyone is sort of following me now. "He'll be back, hopefully" Emily says with a little hope. We all make it to my door, and everyone has a promising look on their face.
"My mums not home tonight, get your arses in here I suppose!"
And they all cheer and run through my door.

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