Ep 5

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Thomas had returned as fast as he had left. Which I was incredibly thankful for because someone needed to cheer panda up. Effy had told me he'd returned when she went to apologise early this morning. We'd been on the phone after she had left, and I think Panda had accepted her apology.

After hanging up the phone I'd only just realised where I was. Laying in Freddie's bed. I'll be honest I can only remember certain parts of last night, but I definitely know nothing happened. He wouldn't let me go home because it was cold and offered his bed to me, insisting he'd sleep on his couch.
Freddie knocked gently before he came in with a hot mug of tea and my freshly washed clothes.
"I'm glad you stayed last night Elle."
"I am too, are you busy today?" I began pushing the hair out of his face as he sat down.
"No not really" He whispers as he kissed my forehead. I'm very unsure of our dynamic at the moment. I can't tell if he's being friendly or he's just extremely confused in his feelings. In this very moment, I definitely knew what I wanted.
"I think you should talk to Effy. You need to tell her how you feel, or... what you think you feel i guess." He says nothing. Staring at me until his head drops he mumbles
"Yeah you're right, thanks Elle"

We discuss what he wants to tell Effy which started off as the cringiest shit I've ever heard, so I helped him prepare before he was going to go see her. We said our goodbyes and I made my way home after one of the wildest days I've had in a while.
Making my way into my street, the boy sat on my doorstep in a red shirt was unrecognisable. James Cook, smoking a spliff.

"what are you doing here?"
"Come to finish what we started yesterday, don't tell me you've forgotten" he smirks standing up, walking over to me. I embraced him in a tight hug, taking in his scent.
"James, it's 10am, i'd like to shower and feel like me again before i even think about that you goon"
we laugh. staring at him looking genuinely happy makes butterflies in my stomach. I'm not sure what possessed me to make a move but I smashed my lips against his interrupting his laughter.
He immediately kisses me back with so much passion I'm taken aback. I'm either delusional or think I'm some sort of mind reader, but I swear I could feel it that it wasn't just some in the moment feeling to him. I pull away, a smirk written right across my face.

"Y'know... I could do with a steamy hot shower too baby" he looks me up and down and bites his lip. Something about James Cook is just irresistible. I don't know how he does it but whenever I'm with him I can't help but feel a force pulling me to him.

Without an exchange,we just walk up to my bathroom and undress. Something about it is so delicate. We're being completely vulnerable with one another but we don't know each other that well. It's as if we'd skipped years of bonding standing in that shower together, we weren't Cook and Elle, we were James and Eleanor. I know I sound like a complete idiot, but it already felt so right.
We'd spent about half an hour in the shower, and once we finally decided to get out James carried me bridal style into my room.
"Elle, can I tell you about something? I regret it and I just want you to know that" He looks down to his feet
" Anything, I'm always here for you." I lift his chin and give him a reassuring smile. He pauses, trying to get his words out until he gives up.
"Actually it doesn't matter right now, I'd rather spend this time with you." He pulls me in by my waist and gives me no time to even overthink what he was about to say because I'm entangled with him completely. Nothing races across my mind in this moment, I'm completely content. We're both already naked, the most vulnerable I've ever been with someone, but it just doesn't feel awkward at all. We're tied together with a string of lust and neither of us care one bit.
It didn't just feel like sex, and yes maybe I'm a hopeless romantic but it felt like more then that. We spoke thousands of words with the way we moved with each other. The way he stared into my eyes connected me to his soul. We hadn't spoke, we just automatically knew that it was okay with one another. He'd picked me up by my waist and gently placed me down onto my bed. It wasn't like before in the dingy storage cupboard underground, we were high and drunk, needing sex, not necessarily one another. But now, I wanted him, and I didn't need him to confirm to me that he wanted me. He was so gently with me, like I was an antique piece of china, cradling me as he pushed himself into me. Nothing in this moment compared to how I was feelings, immense pleasure but I also felt safe. It all happened so fast but I didn't regret one bit...

We lay next to each other, the warmth of our bodies circling the room. Cooks phone unexpectedly starts ringing, he ignores it but once it begins ringing again he slowly sits up to answer. Before he can click accept, I read Effy's name on the contact and curse to myself mentally. He speed walks out of the bathroom without any clothes on and locks the door behind him.
I knew exactly what was going to happen next, he'd come in and find some excuse to leave and go see her. It's happened to me before with Effy, just as I'm about to fall for a guy she swoops in and prays on them. From the age of as young as 5 i'd let her walk all over me, like i say we only became friends in the last years of secondary school. She was mean, and arrogant all the way until then. i've accepted people grow up and change, but now, i'm starting to think i was wrong. I never held grudges, but this time i truly wasn't expecting it, I had an inkling that she liked Freddie, which is why I encouraged him to pursue her.
While he was on the phone I picked up his clothes and folded them, placing them into my dresser. I can hear the bathroom door being pulled open so I pull a jumper over my head before he enters.
"Listen beautiful, I've got to go see a man about a dog-" he chuckled "catch you later eh?"
"sure, see you" i flash him a tight lipped smile as he begins to dress himself.
"Really like you y'know, fucking top class shag too." He smiles as he pulls open my door.
"See you whenever." I push the door shut as soon as he leaves. I make sure I hear the front door slam before I scream into my pillow.
I've come to the conclusion that I am completely and utterly delusional. I romanticise my life so much that I actually believed that what happened meant something to James. Or was the call from Effy not related? Does he actually need to go do something important? I don't know and right now I frankly don't care...

We all know that's a lie don't we?
I decide to occupy myself with getting ready even though it's now 2:30pm. I even tidy around my room surprisingly and I finally find my dagger necklace I accused Effy of stealing months ago.

I realised I never got to ask how talking to Freddie actually went, so I pick up my phone and call him

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I realised I never got to ask how talking to Freddie actually went, so I pick up my phone and call him. It goes straight to voicemail which doesn't surprise me, because no one knows how to pick up a phone clearly.

Looks like I'm gonna have to pay him a visit.

burn in hell- jc skinsWhere stories live. Discover now