Ep 4

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And here I was, a house full of people, sleeping or staring into space. It's 12:30 in the afternoon and Pandora and Effy left late last night, leaving everyone else to sleep over here. I woke up in my bathtub, with Freddie on the floor next to me.

I walk into my room to see Cook and JJ in my bed under my white covers, which they had covered in some sort of food.

I walk into my mums room, hoping no one is in there, but Katie's in there messing with my mums makeup and clothes.
"Hiya Elle! How did you sleep? I hope your mum doesn't mind me doing this, she's got really good taste." She says slyly, and this time I refuse to let it slide.
"Take them off, and wipe all of this"- I point to her purple eyes- "off now"
She huffs but obliges as I storm out of the room. Sid's room is still locked, luckily.

I walk down the stairs and into my living room, there lay Emily and Naomi cuddling watching tv.
"Not to spoil the moment, but Katie is awake now." Naomi jumps up and onto the other couch, straightening out her shirt and looking down.
I walk into my kitchen, reaching for the bread to make myself some toast. As I'm just about to eat it, Cook comes down and steals it from my hand, laughing while he shoves it into his mouth.
"Oi, they was mine!" I joke
"Yeah that's the point, anyway, you know what happened yesterday? Uh do you want to talk about it?"
"What's there to talk about, you needed something, so you used me, I get it."
"Princess, please, you know I never meant-i mean you know I didn't- I never meant to!"
As he finished his sentence, Freddie and Katie came laughing down the stairs, Freddie's smile soon disappearing when he saw Cooks hands on me. I went to walk away, ending the conversation by shouting "I'm going to check on JJ, do as you please"

 I went to walk away, ending the conversation by shouting "I'm going to check on JJ, do as you please"

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Only when everyone had left had I remembered, today was the day of Pandas party. I try calling Effy to see if she wants to walk to Pandas together, but she declines my call after the first ring. I decide to leave her a voice message like I always do.
"Hey Ef! What's up? Pick up the phone you loser!"

Ever since we first met through Sid and Tony we'd always call each other. It wasn't until year 10 that we actually became friends. She always used to call me a loner and I'd always call her a loser. The name kind of stuck, and now I call everyone it.

It's 2 now and I'm on my way to Pandora's house, for her pyjama party. I brought drink and spliffs for everyone, today's going to be good. As I arrive to Pandora's house, I can see her balloons and banners in the window. I make sure I've hidden the drink and knock on the door. Finally the door opens and Angela is in an apron smiling.
"Oh Eleanor sweetheart, your here before Pandora! What a lovely surprise!"
"Hello Mrs Moon, how are you?" I ask as polite as I can.
"Oh I'm fine and dandy! Why don't you come in, the shoe box is still in front of the stairs."
One thing about Panda's mum is that she is a clean freak. She hates mess and loud noises. I suppose this is why ive already been to Panda's house, because well, I'm her clean friend, good to the parents.
I remove my shoes and place them into the wooden box, and hang my jacket onto the holder. I place Panda's present, a pink dress and a nice headband into the pile in front of the fireplace.
"Where is Pandora, may I ask?" Angela questions me, raising her eyebrows. I reply quickly "oh yesterday her and Effy were volunteering down at the local youth centre, and Panda slept at Effy's after. I'm sure they'll be here soon." And as the words leave my mouth the door is unlocked and in walks a screaming Panda.
"Blasitification!" She whispers as she drops the pans.
"It's alright I'll get them" I smile as she smiles and walks into the living room to see panda.
"Panda we have spoken about shouting like a goat in the house."
"Sorry! Look, mum. Friends!"

It's a while later and everyone has arrived. Katie and Effy are baking brownies with Angela while me and Panda sort out everyone's pyjamas.
"Do you reckon I should give Naomi sexy poo? She asks excitedly
"I'm sure she'll love them! Which ones am I getting?" I laugh along with her.
"Oh i made sure mum made you sparkly poo! You love sparkles!" She shouts
"Omg! Yay I do love sparkles!" I go along with it, to please her.

Naomi, Emily and Katie make their way upstairs to come join us.
"Twister are you shitting me!"
"Don't be so down, Panda likes it!" I get up and go try find Panda. She's picking up all the pjs so I go help her. We bring them into Pandas room and she explains them to everyone.
"Hey guys, what do you think? Mum made specifically, and look!" She holds up one with the words "sexy poo" stitched into the back, badly.
"Jesus" I hear Naomi say in disgust. "So you can have sexy poo! Or brainy poo! Except for me, cause I have Panda poo!"
"Panda they look great!" I try to encourage the others.
"Mum and me sewed them on. It was a wacker job, I'm telling you."
And then starts the complaining.
"I'm not wearing that." Naomi stares at them again.
"Why not? It's a pyjama party."
"What the fuck, give it here!" Finally someone cooperating!
"Oh wizzed poo! Because lookwhat goes with them. Isn't mum wick!" And so they all grab our pjs and start to get changed. I search my bag for the drink and spliff and shove them under panda's bed before her Mum comes up. Finally Effy and her Mum come up with brownies and offer us one. The girls are smirking, so I take one but don't bit into it yet. I'm taking off my skirt and shirt, so not I'm left in just my pants, because this morning I couldn't find my bra.
I'm standing next to the window, which might i add is open. Just as I'm about to pull my shirt over my head, I see a curly head of hair move in front of the window, and move back just as quickly. As shocked as I am, I still don't pull my shirt over my head before I see JJ fall the the ground, and Cook falling after him, but not until he seen me, straight through the window.

Effy enters the room seconds later, and looks shocked. "What the fuck?" But quickly grabs her pjs moving me out the way of the window.

Hey! Early update, so don't forget to vote if you enjoyed!

burn in hell- jc skinsWhere stories live. Discover now