IV - A Mother's Love

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After watching the film 'Rocks' (on Netflix) i felt this huge rush of maternal  instincts and decided to write this story. I apologise in advance, it is very sad.

Bathed in the light of the rising sun, the London institute looked it's finest. Peace lay like a protective blanket over the city. Near silent footsteps echoed off stone walls and cobbled streets, the sounds of the early birds of London. But little did they know that close by, barely a breath away, were the Londoners who never slept.

A runaway carriage careered through the streets at breakneck speed. A loud roaring came from just ahead, where a demon ran for it's life. A sharp yell of excitement came from the boy at the head of the assault. He stood tall atop the carriage, blades glinting as he threw knives with pinpoint accuracy into the demon's flesh. His black hair blew around his head like unruly flames and his eyes were golden and gleaming with hidden secrets.

In front of him was another boy, this one with blond hair. However enthusiastic his assault, his clothes and hair remained immaculate. Not a spot of dust fell onto his delicately trimmed and lavishly embroidered waistcoat. His hands were white from clutching the horses' reins. He exulted in an air of importance, but also one of mischief as shown in his bright eyes.

Another rather unfortunate individual was clinging to the swinging door of the carriage. He too had unruly hair that, when looked at closely, was singed in many places. He had soot all over his face and arms, and black handprints littered the body of the carriage. Explosions followed them as he frantically threw various test tubes and concoctions that, at most, mildly irritated the demon.

Finally, a tall hazel eyed boy holding a Spanish 'Bolas' held tight to the opposite side. The weapon consisted of three balls on a long chain. Like a small, triple wrecking ball. He lashed out with startling precision at the demon's eyes - their weak spot. This was hard as the demon was running away from the carriage, but they connected anyway in a spray of ichor and slime. The demon, giving up, fell to the floor with a crash. The boys fell on it, making sure that it was dead as it disintegrated to ashes.

Chatting victoriously and grinning up a storm, they handed the wrecked carriage over to a shocked and confused Sybil and walked through the gates of the London institute.


Tessa Gray, looking down from her bedroom window onto the chaos below, sighed in resignation. Her son, James Herondale, from the moment he had returned from the shadowhunter academy and been let loose in London, had turned into an exact replica of his father.

This was not a good thing for Tessa.

Taking care of one wayward shadowhunter was enough, even when they were your husband and valued your opinion. She had found through personal experience that sons were not as easy to tame as husbands. But, she thought now looking down on him laughing with his friends, she wouldn't have it any other way.

As she thought that strong arms encircled her from behind. She squealed as they squeezed her tight and spun her round. Suddenly, she found herself looking into the beautiful blue eyes of her first wayward shadowhunter.

Will Herondale had not changed with age.

Yes, his face was not as smooth as it once was, his hands carried far more wrinkles and his hair was greyer than ever. But his eyes no longer carried sadness and loneliness. They sparkled with love, for his son and his daughter, his wife, and everyone around him. Even, after while of glares and snide comments, his brother-in-law Gabriel Lightwood. He no longer had pain etched into every line of his body, but happiness and contentment. And his eyes were the same devastating blue as the day they had first landed on Tessa.

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