Ch. 34: Skipping Heartbeats

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dedicated to searching4theanswer for the elegant cover on the side! They look like they are going to a party, so what better chapter to use it in?

Ch. 34: Skipping Heartbeats

Song For Chapter: Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg

I was sitting at my seat in Slughorn's class, nervously fidgeting around as we all waited for him to tell us the grades we had achieved on our finals. We'd all be leaving for break soon, but I wouldn't be able to have a holly, jolly Christmas without knowing the score I'd received.

Even though Potions was my strongest class, I was nervous. Thrumming my fingers across the table in front of me I glared at the back of Slughorn as he shuffled around, looking for our final tests.

"Elle," Lana sighed, pressing her hand over mine to force my fingers to stop their annoying habit. "Just calm the calamity in your mammaries, yeah?"

I opened my mouth to spit out a smart retort, but Slughorn slid my parchment to me with a small frown, not saying too much before walking away to give the others their scored sheets. Beside me, Lana made a contented 'humph', flipping her parchment over to show me the 'Acceptable' written in red.

"Not too bad," she smirked, forgetting that fact that acceptable was only just about poor. "What did you get, Elle?"

Taking a deep breath, I flipped my parchment over and froze, feeling my stomach hit the cold, hard, stone floor beneath me. I opened my mouth, as if to scream, but only a high pitched whine came out. Lana rose a brow at me, peeking over my shoulder to see the score. She winced and shook her head.

"A dreadful?! How the bloody shit did you do that?!"

Behind her, Seamus glanced up at her language, raising a brow. Hermione turned to me, offering me a reassuring smile. But, the worst part of it was Ron's reaction.

Ron glanced down at his own paper, face ashen, and jump out of his seat, stool clattering to the ground with a dramatic 'clunk'. "YES! BLOODY HELL! 'MIONE WAIT 'TIL I TELL MUM!"

"WHAT!?" I hollered, hopping from my own chair and sliding over to Ron so I could see his grade. Written in bold letters on the top were the words: 'Outstanding'. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I jolted awake, screaming at the top of my lungs as I earned odd looks from the others in the Common Room with me. Confused about my surroundings, I toppled from my wooden chair, hitting my head on the hard wood desk I was seated at, earning chuckles from fellow Gryffindors. 'They're all assholes.'

"Was it a clown?" Lana called towards me as she sat beside Seamus, playing some sort of wizarding card game. I shot her a glare, but ignored the question as I brushed myself off. Hermione glanced up from her book that she was reading while lounging in front of the fire.

"What was it, then?"

Sniffling, I hobbled over to Hermione, wounded and bottom lip wobbling. "M-Mione, R-Ron," her eyes sharpened at his name, "he got an Outstanding in Potions!"

There was a pause as I flopped down on her lap, laying with my face smooshed against the opposite side of the couch, legs propped up on her lap. Finally, the silence was broke by Hermione's laughter. "Are you upset about the Exceeds Expectations you received?"

I moaned into the pillow, voice muffled. "Yeeesss, Harry's a cheat and he got an Outstanding!" Hermione set her book aside and rubbed my back, attempting to soothe me as I complained, whining in a high pitched voice.

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