Dedicated to beingellie for the second beautiful cover she made(she made the current cover&The Hermione's Twin one too)!
Song for this chapter: Tight Rope - Alex Clare
Ch. 8: Defense Association
"Come on," Hermione nervously clutched a parchment in her hands as we stalked through the snow covered streets of Hogsmeade. "I told everyone that the meeting would be at three-thirty."
"A meeting for what, exactly?" I rose a brow, while trying to keep up with her fast pace.
An old, rickety building came into view as Hermione drew everyone in closer, ushering us through the door and looking around to make sure no one was watching. She gave me a small look and closed the door tightly.
There was practically no one inside the grimy pub, just an older lady sitting in the far back, an older man behind the counter, and a billy goat who was roaming around the building as if nothing was out of the ordinary. "We need a teacher who will guide us on how to protect ourselves from the Death Eaters - and... and You-Know-Who." Hermione hissed out, ringing out her hands a little and casting a weary glance at Ron and Harry while Fred and George took the two chairs by the window.
Harry paced back and forth a little, running hands through his unorderly black hair. "This.. this is mad. Who would want to be taught by me anyhow? I'm a nutter remember?"
Chuckling, I shrugged and let out a low sigh. "Well, I guess it can't be all that bad, you know." I gave him a quick smile then sat down in a random chair in the middle of the room, not sure if any one else was really going to show up. Perhaps not.
"So, who is supposed to be meeting us then?" Harry darted his eyes onto Hermione, not feeling relaxed enough to sit down.
"Just a couple of people..." Hermione trailed off. "Not too many..."
Ron groaned a little and heaved himself into a chair, glaring at the shack we were in. "Terrific spot." He muttered while Hermione and I gave him a special glare. Ron's face paled a little as he shrunk back into his chair. "Please don't do that at the same time... It's just freaky."
"Thanks Ronald." Hermione and I said at the same time, making a smile spread wildly onto 'Mione and I's faces in sync, once again. "Awesome." I chuckled, making Hermione roll her eyes, but her smile was still stuck on her face.
Under his breath, I could have sworn I heard Ron mutter something, but I shrugged it off as there was a tinkling sound from the doorway. Slowly, and to my surprise, a large group of Hogwarts students filled in, all from different age groups as well.
Counting them up, I realized that twenty-two people were slowly filing their way into the pub, grabbing seats and pointing their attentions towards Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Almost all of them were sporting Gryffindor colours.
To my dismay, I watched as Angelina Johnson walked in, a big smile on her face, and sauntered right over to Fred and George, taking the vacant seat beside Fred with a happy grin. Looking down at my hands, the seats beside me were taken by Luna and Neville.
"Are you feeling quite alright, Elle?" Luna's dreamy voice called my attention, making me look up from my hands and up at her cloudy eyes. "You seem to be disgruntled."
Shaking my head, I gave her a grin with a small chuckle. "I'm fine, I'm just being stupid." I waved the feeling away, sparing a second glance in Fred and Angelina's direction. I inhaled sharply as I watched Fred intertwine his hand with hers and give her a soft smile.

Granger Danger ⇗ Fred Weasley
Fanfiction[Book 2 of HT Series] ❝if you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.❞ Mass Murderers, Pink Toads, and Slughorns -- oh my! cover made by me #198 in Fanfiction || 9/29/15