dedicated to KeyTree004 for the pretty & hella elegant cover on the side!
unimportant a/n: you guys ! I had a dream last night in Elle's perspective (it was really weird) - I was in the Burrow and the roof was leaking due to the rain, and I thought 'why is our roof leaking?' and then, 'wait our roof?'. And then, I had this really sinking sensation of panic in the pit of my stomach, and I kept thinking 'where's Fred?' while searching the house for him.
I woke up before I found him.Ch. 32: Douches & Douchettes
Song For This Chapter: Say You Like Me - We The Kings (for hermione)
The hell,
Am I doing here?My eyes flickered around the heavily loaded table of sweets and I hunched more over my bowl of ice cream. It was more ice cream that I could have managed to even think about eating in front of all these people. If I was in the comfort of the Gryffindor Common Room, sure, I could eat it all. But, not under the awkward small talk between Professor Slughorn and Cormac.
"So, tell me Cormac," Slughorn grinned as Cormac stirred his sundae, shoveling spoonful after spoonful of the dessert into his mouth, "Do you see much of your uncle Tiberius these days?"
"Yes sir," he nodded, a snarky smirk glinting over his lips as he set down his spoon and rubbed his fingers together. For some reason this motion made me feel very uncomfortable. Brow crumpling, I gave Hermione a pointed look but she pretended not to see it.
Slughorn continued to ask questions to each of his guests and I tried to sink into my chair, feeling rather out of my element beside my twin. I could tell that Hermione and Harry were just as anxious to get out of this dinning setting; Harry was doing a better job covering it up though.
"So, Hermione, Elle," Slughorn finally directed his probing questions onto the both of us, "What do your parents do? They are Muggles, correct?"
"Er, yeah," I fought the urge to roll my eyes. The way Slughorn tacked 'they are muggles' onto the end rubbed me the wrong way. "They are dentists."
"Dentists? Fascinating. And, is it a dangerous profession?"
Hermione nodded while I watched Slughorn's confusion with my own confused expression. Did wizards really not know what dentists were? Jenna and Lana were pureblood, but they weren't that sheltered. "Yes, dentists tend to people's teeth. Although, it's not a particularly dangerous job, one boy named Robbie did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches." Hermione chuckled at the memory and I offered a few giggles as well, it had been funny at the time.
The rest of the guests watched us in confusion as our laughter faded out into more awkward silence.
Conversation eventually began to pick up once more, and I noted the empty space across from Harry. Ginny was late, if she was even planning on arriving at all. I hadn't seen much of the spunky Weaslette for a few days, and I was beginning to wonder if I should be concerned.
The door to the dining area creaked open, displaying a shy Ginny who kept her head down as she stepped into the room. Slughorn greeted her while Hermione leant against my shoulder, whispering to Harry and I as I noticed Ginny's red-rimmed eyes.
"Look at her eyes," Hermione sighed, "They've been fighting again."
"Her and Dean?" I questioned. Dean Thomas and her were definitely not the most well functioning couple at Hogwarts, but I didn't think it would get as bad as having Ginny cry due to arguments. I suddenly felt rage towards Dean Thomas - no one should make Gin cry.

Granger Danger ⇗ Fred Weasley
Fanfiction[Book 2 of HT Series] ❝if you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.❞ Mass Murderers, Pink Toads, and Slughorns -- oh my! cover made by me #198 in Fanfiction || 9/29/15