Ch. 17: Trying To Make It

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Dedicated to kikipower123 for the cool cover on the side :D Thank you so much!

Song For This Chapter: New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco

Ch. 17: Trying To Make It
(you guys are going to hate me... but, I will always love you ;] )

    "A giant?" I questioned my sister as she shot me a 'shh' look, "But, why would Hagrid bring it here?" 

    Hermione sighed, tossing Ron and Harry the same look of reserved confusion that I was expressing. "Well, Elle, Hagrid said that he was his half-brother. I guess he had no other place to stay, really."

     "Wow, that's intense," I chuckled, eyes scanning around the common room for the mischievous twin that I really needed to see. It had been a week, and I had seen no sign of Fred. It was really starting to bother me, and, I wasn't sure what was going through his mind.

     April was quickly approaching, and with it, the Twin's birthdays.

     "Elle?" Hermione's voice called my attention, making me raise a brow in confusion. 


     "I was talking about the O.W.L's next week, and, how we have barely studied," Hermione chuckled a little, sparing me a small worried look, "Are you alright?"

     I spared her a small smile, honestly not knowing if I was or not. "Yeah, I'm fine..." I murmured, furrowing my brow and picking myself up off the couch. "Uh, I'm going to go up to bed..." I sighed, realizing that Fred was not coming down tonight.

     I really needed to see him.

     Sitting down on my bed, I pulled out a sheet of paper and began writing a letter to Jenna and Lana, my mind going in a thousand different directions at once. Mainly, however, every direction was pointed at Frederick Weasley. 

     It was something Blake had said, about him moving towards the business next year and me being in school for the next two years. She was right, and, I was depressed. It hung like a thick cloud around me, constantly shading me in the eminent reality of how much time we both had before real life took us away.

     Jotting down some of my letter, I re-read the words to myself, not believing that I had actually written them: 

     "Jenna & Lana,

     How are you guys? I'm alright, but, then again, I am not. Fred and I aren't doing too well. Reality seems to be settling in, and, I don't know what to do. I don't even know how to feel.

     If I really care for Fred, like I know I do, should I just let him go? I can't hold him back just because I'm going to be in school. I can't expect him to wait for me, I mean... a whole two years? That's intense.

     Maybe it would be best for the both of us if we just... took a break."

     My eyes zeroed in on the last three words and I felt my heart clench in panic. What was I thinking?! I reached down to scribble the words out with my quill, but, I couldn't make myself do it. I had written what I was truly feeling. 

     Why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel like it is going to happen eventually and that I should just get it over with now? It was as if we were both just... letting go. Why wasn't I doing anything to stop it?

     Glancing down at my letter, I realized that I had written those thoughts down as well, tears dripping down my cheeks and splattering on top of the parchment. Roughly wiping at my face, I pulled myself together and signed my name at the bottom, calling Ami to me and handing him the letter.

     I sent it to Lana, knowing that if Jenna got it first, she would flip out and forget to send it to our other friend.

     I knew what I had to do, and while I felt extremely depressed about it, I couldn't bring myself to regret letting Fred go. Perhaps, if we were meant to be, we would find our way back to each other. But, I couldn't force him to be in a relationship for the next years that he is living in reality and I am still stuck in Hogwarts. 

     Fixing my eye make-up, I sighed and shook my head. I wasn't going to let Fred go that easily. I would at least try to make it work, but, that would be rather hard seeing as he is avoiding me like the Plague.

     In the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the slightly dusty gift I had bought Fred for his birthday, smirking slightly. Getting on my knees, I pulled the box out from under my bed and brushed it off, blushing at the present.

     I was so lame. But, I guess I wanted to save it for a better occasion, and, what better occasion than Fred and George's eighteenth birthday? 

     Pulling out some plain paper, I transfigured it to have my face stamped all over it with weird poses, thinking it was terribly clever of me. Tying it with a ridiculously large bow, I decided that it was good enough and tossed it back under my bed.

     Their birthday was not for a couple more days, and, it could wait.

     Changing into some bed clothes, I felt my temporary happiness fade away into the awaiting claws of anxiety. It wouldn't be long now. Call me crazy, but I just knew my relationship was taking a turn for the rocky shores.


It's hella short, I know, don't worry - I will update soon....

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