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"I'm on the pursuit of happiness, and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold" - Kid Cudi

"Fine let's talk."

The air in the room was thick, I didn't move from my spot. Like the beginning of any fight we were both waiting for someone to make the first move. Aizawa was never the one to make the first move, he always eyed down his enemy, reading them like a picture book. That was his way of fighting, his way of life, to defend.

"I'm not going to apologize" I said making the first move, a foolish one.

"You are and that's final." He stood and walk towards the door. A part of me told me to leave it be, to just apologize and suck it up. But another part of me was fucking pissed off of what he said to me.

"That's bullshit and you know it!" I yelled towards his direction. I don't know what I was doing but like the fight with Bakugo, I was just acting with my anger. "Why the fuck do I have to apologize after everything he has done towards me, after all the bullying, the tormenting, and the fucking low blows he has given me, I have to fucking apologize! Why can't he finally realize what his actions will cause!"

"So you're the one to hit him? The one To give him some of his own medicine? The one to torment him, bully, and humiliate him the same way he did to you? Do you know how you sound right now Midoryia? If anything you're not as good as he is right now." Even though he was yelling at me he wasn't facing me, he didn't want to look at the anger on my face. The pure rage that was flowing through my body giving me the power to finally let my anger out. To let me finally say the things I wanted to say.

"How dare you compare him to me? He's nothing like me and I'm nothing like him. To add to the fact you weren't there! You didn't experience the bullshit I had to endure and I couldn't fight back because of you!"  With that the truth finally came out. The truth I was angry for so long. I always blamed him for not being able to fight back, but I was wrong. I know I'm wrong but right now, I just want someone to here my anger. 

I was waiting for him to respond, I knew I was wrong but I wanted him to comfort me to tell me what I did was right and to tell me he deserved it. But there was a side of me that wanted to tell me...

"What you did was wrong. Even if you keep telling yourself it was the right thing to do, it doesn't mean it was the right thing to someone else. You are training to be a hero and being a hero means we don't seek revenge missions for our own personal gain." With every word it slowly took a piece of anger away. "Even if you have All Might's power, even if that power is to kill All for One does not mean you forget you are a hero. Because heroes are meant to be symbols and save as many people we can. Even if that means we have to forgive the people that have hit us in the past."

Even though he was right, even if I wanted to be a hero, even though I know it was wrong of me to hit him. I don't want to admit to apologize to that bastard. "So that's it, I'm suppose to apologize to Bakugo and nothing happens to him? No detention, no apology, and he leaves sparkly clean. Even though his hands are dirtier than mine!"

"So that's what you want! An apology from him," For the first time during that whole conversation he turned around to face me, his eyes were covered by his long black hair. He moved his hair to finally look at me in the eyes, "when we found out the truth about why Bakugo did to you at a young age we asked you what you wanted. You told us that you still want to be his friend, that you would beat him and make him realize that you could be a real hero with that borrowed power."

Aizawa took a step closer and put one hand on my shoulder, and said with a soft voice "we know we you don't want nothing to happen to him but something in you is changing. It could be one for all or something else within your mind. But we know and I know you  are still the kid that wants to save everyone no matter who they are."

He let go of my shoulder and turned facing the door. Aizawa isn't one to give many words to people, but when he does. It really makes you think how to become a better hero. To become a better person. "You have till tomorrow to give him that letter and from there you will be ready to participate in the sports festival. But if you really don't want to give him an apology then don't bother coming to class."

Aizawa walked to the door and opened the door. Before he stepped out I heard him sigh and turned towards me. "Make sure you eat something, I left some extra money so you can get some food. And I'm sorry but we don't want you to forget the person you are." He flashed me a small smile toward me and with that he left.

Even though I was alone once again I knew no matter what Aizawa would be by my side.

I took out to see who was calling me during this time.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey Midoryia it's me Ashido, you busy?!"

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