Chapter 6 Gideons revenge

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Jacks POV
Wow what a day, Jack gets up and walks to his room,he needed a lie down. After about 5 mins of trying to fall asleep, the room turned black and white and Bill appeared. "What do you want bill?" You asked him.
"(Y/N) made a deal with me, she's got 5 mins. Suddenly (Y/N) appeared in Bill body like a iPad doing FaceTime.
"I need your help, please save me Gideon has trapped me and is going to kill my parents, please help Jack and tell the others!" She said with tears in her eyes.
" I will" you say back.
"Times up!" Bill snaps and with that the room turns back to normal and Bill is gone.


You wake up on a bed in a room you think you have seen before but can't remember where.
"Hi!" There was a voice your thought you had heard before too...
"Gideon!!!!!" You scream.
"Nice to see you too," he says sarcastically.
"What do you want?" You say.
"Well, you left me in a garden and went to the mystery shack, so I made a deal with Bill to get lara for revenge but he brought you instead so I told him the deal was off and he left, now I have you, here's the deal, you date me, your parents don't die!" Gideon smiles evilly and starts to laugh.
"I will give you 10 mins to decide" he walks out. I need help you say and with that the room turns black and white and then Bill appears.
"How about I let you tell Jack what's going on and in return once you get out of here, you have to stay with me for 2 days?" Bill says and looks down at you.

Lara's POV
Jack came rushing down the stairs."guys we have to go save (Y/N)if we don't Gideon is going to kill her parents!" "What!" Dipper Mabel myself and everyone else in the room screamed. Jack looked cute when he was worried.
"I have a plan!" You say.

Sorry guys that took so long to come out, I have been busy
Hope you liked it

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