Chapter 13 The goodbyes

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Don't worry guys this ain't done yet.

Thomas POV
An old guy runs around the corner and shouts no! He must be Stan.
" Don't turn it off please." He says. Suddenly a blast hits us against the wall and we fly back.
"Listen, you have to trust me!" Stan shouts.
"Don't listen to him mabel!" Dipper shouts at his sister. Lara flys towards mabel ( no gravity ) and calms her down.
"Do what you think is right." She said. She's alright you know. I think I like her but Jack told me he likes her too. Mabel floats away. " I trust you." She says and the countdown gets to zero. We all black out.

We wake up and a figure is standing in the portal.
"Who is that?" I ask. He walks towards a book and placed his hand on it. He had six fingers. He was the author.
"The author, my brother!" Stan says. Suddenly Jack runs around the corner and helps us up.
"Who's that?" He asked pointing to the man who picked up the journal
"Stanford you told no one about me did you!?" This man said.
"I was waiting for the right time.." Said Stan.
"I'm Stanley, stans twin brother, who are you?" He asked pointing to the group of children.
"Well this is dipper, mabel and lara, these are your grandchildren. That's jack, that's (Y/N) and... Who's that?" Stan asked.
"My name is Thomas, I'm friends with Lara and Jack." I said. Why hasn't lara mentioned me to these lot before? I was thinking about it when the world turned black and white, then a triangle appeared in the sky.
"Bill!" Dipper said. Bill flew down.
"Well well well long time no see, I'm here to make a deal with the kids," he turned around to face us.
"30 years ago I pushed Stanley into the portal, he knew too much, here's the deal"
" I don't kill Stanley and in return you let me take him," he pointed to Jack.
"No way!" I say. Sweat began to pour down (Y/N)s face. Suddenly I heard the word deal. Who said that. It was (Y/N). Suddenly Bill flys up with Jack in a bubble.
"I can't take him like this, he needs to be dead," and with that Bill made Jack drink a drink and there he was dead.
"You can have his body!" And drops him to the floor, " I have his soul, later suckers!" He flys away.
"No! NOOOOO! JACK!!" Lara rushes to jacks body.
"No this isn't happening!" I say. Lara cries on my shoulder.
"Uh Thomas was it, do you wanna stay at the mystery shack?" Stan asked.
"S-s-sure" I said shakily.

Time pass 🐽

Lara's POV
Thomas helped me clear jacks half of the room and move Thomas in. Stan gave Stanley the spare room we found. It was his all along. Everything was alright. Thomas runs in a sits on the bed. He breaths heavily.
"Lara will you go out with me?" He asked.
"Sure!" I say and hug him.

That is the end of my story! There will be sequel to this book don't worry. I will update this book when I start the sequel, still thinking of a name. Hope you enjoyed my story and see you in the next one!
Peace ✌️

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