Chapter 8 The plan part 2

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Ghostgirl289 is amazing go check her out she has amazing storys and is just awesome. Vote and comment for her, and me as well of course,
Enjoy !!!!!!!

You end the call as Gideon walks into the room and he stares at you. "Bill!" He screams and starts to laugh. " It's too dangerous the keep you here now because the pines will most likely look for you now.." He giggles and picks up his amulet, the window opens with a blue glow around it and a blue glow appears around you.Suddenly your lifted of the ground and flied towards the window. You fly out of the window and scream, you see dipper running towards you and Gideon laughs evilly. "Any last words?" He says as the light begin to slowly disappear.
The light disappears and then darkness.

You wake up and all you see for miles is white. This is what heaven looks like then.Suddenly there is a burst of light and Bill appears. " Hi (Y/N)," he says with a smirk. "Where am I?" You ask him and suddenly your in the sky with Bill.
"That's you right now," he says as you see yourself about to hit the floor." If you hit the floor, you die," Bill says and a blue flame appears in his hand, " if you make a deal with me, I can save you" he smiled
"I save you and in return next time I need a favour, I can come to you!" He says. You think about it for a moment a make a deal.

Mabels POV
We walk through the front because Gideon is with (Y/N) and look at the desk, no one there. We look through the papers until we fine Mr and Mrs ( your surname Y/S) and look at the room number 330, I sigh and begin walking up the stairs until we finally reach the room, we knock on the door but it just swings open to find Mr and Mrs (Y/S) tied up with paper in there mouths " oh my god Mr and Mrs (Y/S) are you alright !" I took the paper out there mouths and everything froze, Bill appears outside the window and it looked like he was talking to a ghost version of (Y/N).
Dipper was there as well, on the ground but he had froze too. Soos and wendy were also frozen but I don't know about lara or Jack.

Lara's POV
Me and Jack walk around the front and step inside, it was very quiet. There was a man at the counter so we went up to him. He had a name tag on, it said hi I'm bud" Hi can me and my friend buck a room please?" I said. Bud asked for our names. "I'm lara pines and this is jack, just Jack," I said. Suddenly he froze and looked down at a peace of yellow paper and back at me. " Rr-r-ight this way" he was shaking. He opened a door and shoved us inside then locked the door. The room was small and had a sign in the corner. It said..

Dear the pines family,
This room was specially booked for you enjoy!
- Gideon gleefull
I was mad and so was Jack, bud returned a few mins later and tied us up. Then he shoved paper in our mouths. Yuck! He walked out and locked the door. We were trapped...

Cliff hanger...... The next chapter is called.. Chapter 9 The plan part 3 yay best name ever. Is this a long chapter, I'm on the iPad so I can't check how many words It is. Should I do this length from now on? Please tell me
Peace!!!!! ✌️

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