Chapter 10 Bills house...

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Bill wants the amulet. I have to give it to him. " Here Bill" I pass it to him, Gideon drops to the floor and slowly starts to back away, he runs out the room and screams, he fell down the stairs. Bang bang bang! He screams and runs away from the building. I burst out laughing and suddenly the room goes black and we appear outside a big house. " Where are we?" You ask Bill. " You made a deal with me than you get to talk to Jack and in return you stay with me for 2 days" he was right. you need to tell dipper because he will be worried. " Bill, you let me tell dipper where I am, and what's happing and in return I stay here for 3 days instead off 2." Bills hand lights up blue and he says deal. Suddenly you a teleported to a room. Dipper was untying Jack and Lara. Thank god there ok. " Dipper, I made a deal with Bill to stay with him for 3 days and in return I could tell Jack what was going on with gideon and everything. I will be fine" dipper had tears in his eyes. "Please be safe and (Y/N), I love..." He couldn't finish since Bill cut in. " Times up, see you guys in 3 days!" He said and I was back at the front of the house. " This is my house" Bill said and opened the door. It was much bigger on the inside. ( time lord magic lol #doctor who fans) we walked through the doors and turned a corner. There was a big door and when I walked through, there was a big room. It was just like my room at home. Home. I done have 1 anymore. Mum sold the house because we are staying in gravity falls for a long time.wait, mum, dad! " Are my parents ok?" Bill blinks and there is a picture on the screen.
Dipper, Lara and Jack had escaped the prison like room and was back at the desk. Bud wasn't there so they look through the papers until they found Mr and Mrs (Y/S) and ran to room 330. They walked in to find soos, wendy and mabel untying Mr and Mrs (Y/S) and they smiled. They walked out and ran all the way back to the mystery shack. Mr and Mrs (Y/S) were aloud to stay for a bit but we're worried about you. So was everyone else. Bill leaves you to settle in.
Sorry guys this is short, I'm running out of ideas!!! I'm starting my new book called Only humans left...

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