chapter 11 (Y/N)s Brother

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Next chapter yay. I have started me new book Only humans left, the story takes place after this story, a few years later. The title to this chapter is a bit strange bit it will make sense at the end of the chapter so yeah... Oh and who are you depending on your b day? I'm Dipper... Enjoy!!!
You look down at a picture. It was of you, your parents and your brother. Tears began to form in your eyes. Bill came in. "what's wrong?" He asked. " I will never see my brother again!" I cried and Bill smiled. " Hey (Y/N) I thought you was lonely so I brought someone to keep you company. It was your brother! ( your brother=YB) " omg, I need a name for you, how about (Y/B)?" He was 2 today. "That's a great name," he said and walked out to let you and your brother settle in.

Time pass

It was dinner, I fed (Y/B) because he couldn't feed himself. I loved my brother. I wonder how he got him? Bill told me there was 1 day left then I could go back to the mystery shack with (Y/B) and live normal. Normal. I haven't lived a NORMAL life since I got here. Well at least the food is nice.

Time pass

Today's the day I get to go home! I was so excited. I packed my bags and ran downstairs, I grabbed my brothers stuff and went to look for bill. I found him in the kitchen. He walked up to me and grabbed my arm, suddenly I was outside of the shack. I ran forward happily and knocked on the door. Dipper answered."(Y/N)?" He said and hugged me. I walked in a saw my parents. I ran up to them and gave them a hug. I showed them my brother. " How did you get him?" My mum asked. " Bill" I said. "His name is (Y/B)!" I said, " and I guess you know about the spooky town?" They nod.
I so glad to be back!

That is not the end promise you. I have been very busy and been able to update but I will keep updating when I can!
Peace ✌️

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