Chapter 12 stan?!?

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Hi guys I have scrapped my other story because it's not going anywhere so I will be more on this now.
I have had writers block 😑 so that annoyed me.This chapter is a bit like season 2 episode 11 so if you haven't watched that, I suggest you do!

The pines are sitting around the table with my parents. I explain everything that happened at bills house.Stan isn't there. I wonder where he is? We hear a Big Bang and stan comes rushing in with agents chasing him. We all run outside. Agents start the secure the house.
"What's going on?!" Dipper asked.
"Your uncle has been stealing toxic waste"
"You've got the wrong guy!" Mabel says.
"What you gonna do to us?" I say.
They arrest Stan and he gets taken way, we leg it into the house, jumping past the guards untill we reach stans room.
We walk around the room and I hit something on the wall, the wall moved to reveal the camera footage from last night.
" Storing meat for the apocalypse, we are all going to die." Stan sings in a tune. We fash forward and see Stan leaving the building. We fast forward more until we see I guy in a suit walk in with toxic waste. he drops one in his toe. " Hot waffles! ( sorry guys forgot what he says ) wait I'm alone, SON OF A.." We turn the recording off.

Lara POV ( the day after (Y/N) gets taken by Bill )
I was shocked at first. Then I relaxed. Jack has been out all day. I was about to go to bed when Jack comes in with some boy. This boy was cute.
"Lara, this is Thomas." Jack said.
"Tom for short" he said and smile.
He had ginger hair with freckles and had the cutest smile I had ever seen.
" He's 13 like us." Jack said. It's like he wants me to go out with him. Argh what do I do. Only time can tell. I want him to stay for a bit to get to know him. Oh no, I can feel my face going red.
" Do you wanna have a sleepover here?" I ask Tom. He smiles and simply says yes. I smile and feel my cheeks burn up again.

Day (Y/N) returns
Me and Tom are really close friends. I'm at his today. But I'm worried about stan, I heard he was being arrested. I explain to Tom what's going on and we run to the shack. We pass the guards and enter stans office. We find dipper, mabel and (Y/N).
"Who is that?" Mabel asked pointing Tom.
"This is Thomas, Tom for short. He is new here and I have explained to him about the paranormal stuff going on in this town, what have I missed?"

Dippers POV
I notice a box under the tv screen.
"Guys look." I say as I pull out the box. I was full of fake id. Why would he need this? I find a peace of paper with a code on it. I was just like the vending machine. I show the "team" and we run to the machine. Soos was guarding it so we had to move him. I put the code in and it opened. We walk in, there is a elevator. We all crowed in, including Tom. I think lara liked him so I didn't want to be nasty. We get out and see lots of stuff, then we see the portal and book 1 and 2.
"Stan had them the whole time!!!!!" I scream. I read the page the books were open at and read text In invisible ink.
" This portal is too powerful, if it opens it could cause the world to end, don't let it be opened!" I panic as the countdown says 1 minuet. I flip the page and find out if we turn the three keys we could turn it off. We see the keys in the corner and turn them. A button comes out of the ground. " This all ends now!"

What do u think?
I must tell you someone dies in the next chapter 😧 but down worry, remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold bye!!! ✌️

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