Chapter 15

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Calum's P.O.V

"You gotta friend in me..." Liam sang. We were currently in the car on the way to Disney. I had a window seat at the back of the van with Luke and Ashton. The seats infront had Michael, Louis and Niall and the seat in front of them had Harry, Zayn and Liam and then at the very front Paul was driving.

The drive didn't take long. It took less than an hour concidering, our hotel was so close to the themepark. Out of us all, I'd deffinitley say Liam was the most exited. Especially for the Toy Story part. Mali and I have always wanted to go to Disney World but my mum would always say no because it was too expensive but, look now. I'm going to Disney World.

"Calum?" Luke croaked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to face him to see him with a worried expression on his face. This instantly worries me. I don't want him to be upset, stressed or any other negative emotion.

"What? What's up?" I asked, panicing. Ashton glanced at me, raising an eyebrow as if to say Is everything okay but I ignored it. I had to make sure Luke was okay.

"I went on twitter this morning." He whispered so noone would hear us but, they wouldn't if we were talking normally anyway because everyone was being so loud.

"What did you see?" I asked. I needed to know. I wanted to stop everything that was going on. If I could take all the hate and dump it on me, I would. I'd do it in a second. I'd do it without thinking.

"Death threats, hate, you know. The usual." Luke shrugged, trying to keep his tears in. It was clear to see that. His tears were at the brim of his eyes just waiting to spill out.

"This isn't right. Not at all. You shouldn't have to deal with this! You haven't done anything wrong and for you to be getting all this hate breaks my heart. If I could make everyone hate on me, I would. I'd do it in an instant." I said, pulling him closer to me.

"What can we do though? There's no point now. It's gotten out of control." Luke sighed.

"No, I'm doing something about this." I sighed, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and going onto the twitter app. Luke just sat there and watched my every move to see what I was doing.

'@Calum5SOS: Everyone stop hating on @Luke5SOS! It doesn't make you big or clever. It makes you a fake fan bc a real fan wouldn't hate on anyone of us.'

"Thanks Cal." Luke smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

"No problem, anything for you."

--- (Skipping to after Disney at the concert ) ---

"That was awesome." Michael smiled as we all agreed. Disney was amazing but, I had to stay away from Luke and he had to stay away from me because, obviously, we hadn't came out to the fans yet. It was scary thinking that at the end of this tour, the 5SOSFam will know all about us and so will our family and friends. I hope people support us. What if they don't? What if they hate us?

"Cal, dude, we've got to go on." Ash smiled at me, sapping me out of my thoughts. I was still stressed about Luke and I. Us. But, I can't worry now.

I run off onstage, I need to forget about this. I'll be okay! I'll be fine.We'll be fine!

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