9. Goodnight, Putih

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James was confused, lost and torn. Something like this never happened to him before. He never had a problem to sleep with a woman. No matter colour, scent, shape, size. It was always easy to bent or throw her on back and do what needed to be done. He was sitting in the attic and watched Mary leaving on her mare towards a woods. Maybe it is a good thing, he thought. I can't even look at her without acting like complete idiot. He thought and fell into his mind. He started to recap everything, that happened last night. It should have been easy. All I had to do was to yank that skirt and fuck the woman. Again and again he came to that situation, until he suddenly rose his head and opened his eyes. It was different, it was something, that was new. It wasn't about fucking. I probably deep down realized, that this would lead to me being a father. This would leave me with a child in my hands. Maybe I simply can't accept this, to be father and for that I couldn't force myself to be with a woman.

After hours of pondering, James dressed himself up and left to the port. "I need a drink," he said to Jack, once he found him. "No brothel," he however said. But on purpose, he left with Jack to a pub by the docks, where he knew, that women didn't have to be whores to act like ones.

They left towards the pub and got inside a cheap one. Well everything around the port was cheap, so that didn't make much of a difference. "That's a nice surprise!" Jack grinned as they settled on the table.

"I had a long day," James murmured and rose his hand to get attention of waitress. "Did you get the cargo from Spain? What was on the ship?" He asked about ship, that Jack and his crew supposed to attack and rob previous day.

"Yes and yes..." he nodded. "So I had really longer day than yours." He snorted and looked at him carefully. "Rum" he said to the girl, when she came to take their order. "The question is, why you don't soothe the worries on your wife's tits?" He winked, sniggering.

"Cus she's not home," he replied shortly. "Brandy," James said to her. "Whole bottle," he added.

"About the ship. Not much except from silk and wool," Jack said, curiously watching him. "Poor thing? She left you alone. Don't worry, Jimmy. You have every kind you might like here. Even ginger ones." He winked and it was true, the most of the women working there, looked at James the moment he walked inside.

The young waitress made sure, that her cleavage will be low, when she brought the drinks for the captain and Delaney. "Here's your brandy, Mr Delaney." She smoothly smiled.

"Thank you," he said, throwing coins for their drinks on the table. Like he didn't see or he didn't want to. Like he was blind to her full bosom, her full cleavage and crooked smile, cat eyes stripping him with glance.

"Thank you, kind sir," she whispered, leaning close to him. Her lips briefly brushed his ear as she spoke. "If you need anything else, just call me. My name is Lizzie." Jack of course was occupied with the other girl, that came to sit on his lap.

James watched her and almost held his breath, when she spoke. There is something, that holds me back, he realized with small surprised gasp. He felt nothing. Her presence didn't bring him a hint of excitement, her touch let him cold. What is going on? He pondered.

Looking upon his peculiar reaction, the woman smirked. Thinking, that he's important and maybe he's used to ladies instead of these behaviours. So she leaned on the table and took his bottle, leaning as deep as possible. "Do you want me to fill it for you, kind sir?" She whispered again.

"Sure," he answered with narrowed eyes, studying her without sending her away. Thinking. Maybe I simply need more time.

She smiled over the positive answer and filled his glass. Slowly she passed it on his hands and slipped next to him. Her hand, let's say, accidentally fell on his thigh as she spoke. "I heard so much about you, Mr Delaney," she said smoothly.

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