11. Goodnight, Madam Delaney

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Autumn turned into a winter. Long gloomy nights and days came, but in Delaney's manor, no matter how many storms, no many how many freezing nights, things were calm. It felt like warmth spreaded slowly. From room to room. Mary started to smile, James was more calm. None of them changed drastically, but the change was noticeable for people living with them. Of course, that James didn't change into a man with sweet words on tongue, he didn't change into a charming prince. But he was more polite toward Mary. More open. Trying to get to know her, he took her almost everywhere with him. To business meetings, to meetings with important people, to docks so she could meet his workers. He took her to see village of natives, that James got to know during last few months. However as Anika said, rich people. Men let their women walk behind them and silence them, when they tried to speak. Mary noticed, that James never did this to her. Even though she many times didn't have anything to say, he usually walked with her by his side. His arm supporting her or hand gently laying on the small of her back. To be sure, she was safe, to watch her back, even though he was quiet. Like a guardian dog, whenever somebody approached, his eyes always turned slightly darker and narrow. She swore and had feeling, that if somebody only tried to touch her, he would end up dead. When it came to intimacies James, even though he many times suffered like animal, decided to give her time. When she wanted to come to his room, she did, when she wanted to sleep alone, he gave her space. But at the same time, mostly when they were alone, he stole kiss, gentle touch or he just simply curiously observed her for long minutes. Sweet talks were not his strong side. At least he was polite and chose his words wisely to stop with insults, that he attended in the past.

The spring has came. Flowers that Mary planted in autumn previous year, became to bloom. And so did Mary. So did their shared feelings. Many times they caughed themselves in sweet, intense, yet slightly awkward situation. Like they wanted to move on. But Mary, without having no experience, she was afraid, she could be in James' eyes scandalous or cheap, if she tried to make a first move. James on the other side, as he had absolutely no experience with virgin, he was afraid, he could insult Mary, if he did first move. He was scared, she would feel, like he was pushing into something, that she wasn't ready for just yet. They got into a blind alley. When they wanted to move on, but none of them knew exactly how and so they like two shy adults waited for the other to make a move.

It was one day, when James left with Robert and Brace to the city and Lorna stayed in the house of her friend. Anika for that travelled to Mary, who stayed home alone. Her belly already visible, only two months till her labour, but she stayed active as much as her belly any baby allowed her. Nesting on the couch in living room, she smiled, when Mary brought plates with food, wine and tea. "You have very beautiful house, Mary," Anika said. She didn't see house as it looked like few months ago, before Mary appeared. Now at least few painting and rugs decorated it and most importantly flowers in almost every room.

"Thank you, Anika." She smiled softly and settled next to her, placing her palm smoothly on her belly. She was afraid to even touch it, so she wouldn't hurt her somehow. "How do you feel?" She asked her. As they worked together with Anika, she watched her body changing throughout her pregnancy. Even her behaviour, sometimes making her more vulnerable or more aggressive, it depended on the day, but mostly she was calm.

"Good, it is quite different now. During first pregnancy, I was throwing up almost all the time, this one is calmer. I puked once, but I pretty sure, it was because of the smell of John, after he came from a hunting trip," she snorted and that moment a baby kicked against Mary's hand, making her almost exclaim. Quickly, she pulled her hand away and Anika chuckled. "It's alright, Mary. Don't be afraid," she took her hand again, placing it on her belly. "See? The baby is just stretching."

She smiled. An exciting and thrilled smile. "Does it hurt?" Mary asked in concern, watching her carefully.

"Sometimes. Mostly when the baby kicks me toward bladder. But it is not painful more like unpleasant," she said with smile. "So," she then cocked brows once. "How are things with James?" Of course, that Mary told Anika most of the things from the day they kissed for the first time. She needed naturally somebody to share and talk about these things.

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