16. In the harbour

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The coming days were calm. Since they agreed to travel together, Mary prepared everything she'd need for the way. One day she was sitting before her closet, trying to decide, what to take with her. "Yes but what do they wear in China? What should I pack?" She asked James and he only murmured something back, being completely focused on his documents he had on hands. "James!" She groaned and he looked up at her and blinked a bit awkwardly.

"Can you repeat your question?"

"What should I pack for the journey? What do they wear there? I don't want to look inappropriate."

"Just wear, what you usually wear. You are not Chinesse," he shrugged.

She huffed and continued searching out, until she found everything, she'd need. "I think I'm ready," she grinned contently.

He looked around, then leaned on his armchair. "Are we moving to China? Have I missed something, my darling wife?" He asked, watching empty closet and room full of suitcases with her clothes.

"No, but you said the journey is long. It will probably take almost a half of a year."

He grunted and nodded. "Very well," he stood up and came to her. "So tomorrow in the morning we can take your things to the ship and the day after tomorrow, we will leave," he told her. "Will you sleep naked until then? I mean. There is no clothes left" He cocked his brows.

"I don't think that's a problem," she smirked in response.

"I agree with that. That's not a problem," he kissed her lips. The next morning he sent for John, who would go and help with the boxes and suitcases. When John came to the house, he looked at boxes, luggages, then at James, if he's serious about it. "Yes... this all will go to the ship," James grunted and John, scratching his bearded cheek, snorted.

"Ya movin' to China, chief?" He snickered as he started to load them up on the cart.

"No. I'm suspicious about my wife's intentions, though," James scoffed, putting luggage up.

"Oh... missus is traveling along?" Now all these stuff makes sense," he thought and continued packing.

Mary came downstairs after a while to join them and greeted John. She saw him loading up everything and she walked behind his heels, giving him instructions for the loading. "Careful with that one please. They can break," she kept bubbling, giving a headache to the man, who kept loading.

James stood there for a while, leaned against the cart and observed her in silence. Then once the last box was on the cart and he was about to take it to the harbor, he came to her. "Don't you want to watch over my men, who work in warehouses? They would even breathe as one under your supervision, love."

"You think?" She chuckled, nesting on his arms. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and Delaney stiffed up. John acted, like he didn't see anything, because he knew James.

"All ready, chief. Heading to the harbor," he nodded to them, before he jumped on the cart and made his way out.

Mary knew, that James didn't like to show affection, when people were around. Not that he would push her away. He respected her, but this made him feel weird. "I'll go to the harbor. How about you go get a hot bath now and wait for me naked?" He asked, looking at her, once John left.

"Will it take you long?" She asked him.

"Two hours the most. I only make sure, everything is ready for the journey," he said and she kissed him again. He narrowed his eyes and she gave him another kiss. "Why are you...." he bubbled and she grinned. James pinched her buttocks, then gave her glare and went to stable to get Putih. Mary waved at him from the doorway, then left inside the house to join Robert for breakfast. James rode to the harbor and jumped down his horse. He walked on the ships. Two were leaving from China, full of furs and pelts. "It looks good, hm? You did really good job this year," he said as he walked to the deck and found John there, puffing on the pipe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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