Chapter 9

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I can see her from my window working.
She is a fucking liar. My liar.
Like right now. She isn't working and can actually feel my gaze on her.

But she is stubborn. She won't look up and accept defeat.
Her hair is itching to be touched by me.
I can still fell her ass on my dick from that night. I almost came bucket loads.
And those pouty lips. It's almost been two years since I have kissed her. I still remember my first kiss with her. We were 10 and I was crazily obsessed with her.

I go outside to the park away from my fathers horny girlfriend. I had pushed her away. She was hot and 20. The kind of hot that required at least 15 surgeries.
I was just 11. She tried cupping my dick. I laughed at her. Called her ugly. She tried tying me up. I didn't let her. My mom just stared at us. Quietly.

I escaped to the park and saw her sitting on a bench in a ugly pink dress. She hated dresses. Her dad must have bought it for her.

She was drawing something. I crept closer.

She was drawing me

I forgot everything that happened.

I was her muse. Which must be why she hid exactly three of her sketches from me that night.
I was planning to sneak into her room and check. She can't keep secrets from me.
I never let her.

I pulled her pony and she looked up with her tear filled hazel eyes, quickly hiding her drawings.
She was crying.
I was ready to destroy everything that wasted her tears.
I sat down next to her and said "You look very ugly when you cry."

She sniffled and said " I thought you liked seeing me cry"

I stole a tear from her face and looked at it. Pure like her.
"Only my tears make you look beautiful"

She scrunched up her nose and said "It hurts, Ace."
Ace. I loved that name. Craved it.
She had given it to me when we were in the park with two other boys. I didn't let her play with us. I didn't want the boys to see how good she was at soccer. But she still found out a way. She thought I was jealous that she played well.

She pushed me down that day and then almost fainted when blood came out from my arms. I was embarrassed that I was bleeding.

I had never seen her cry. She was balling her eyes out. For me.
She took my hand and pulled me towards a tree, cleaned my wounds and told me I would always rule the game because I was her Ace. That was the day I decided I would play soccer forever.

I didn't need to ask her what hurts. I knew.
" Are you sad too?", she asked me.
I ignored her and told her to close her eyes. I wanted to kiss her before my dad's girlfriend or anyone else kisses me.

"I am going to kiss you", I never asked for her permission. I just stated. Because she was mine and all her firsts belonged to me. Just like mine belonged to her.

"What", she asked.
I kissed her, she sat still. I know she had practiced. I had seen her do it on her pillows when I saw lipgloss stains.

I wanted to kiss her forever. But it was too much for me. I felt like I would burst. I looked at her eyes and said " Well, my dad's girlfriend was definitely better."
She punched me. That was her first punch too.


I was getting ready to sneak out of the window. I had to make sure she didn't see. For her well-being.
I made sure my lights were off and covers were tucked into my bed because I know she always checked on me when she thought I was sleeping. Checked was a subtle word for stalk.

Anyway I had to continue what I started.

CLIFFHANGER?!!?!??!What do you think Zo started???

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