Chapter 10

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I saw him sneaking out of the window. He kept staring at my dark room.

I knew something was wrong. So what did I do? I followed his bike. He doesn't ever drive a bike.

I think I am crazy.
I am driving my dad's car all alone at night because I am fucking worried about a psychopath who probably hates me.

He stops somewhere suddenly and I just kinda wish I can press the accelerator, run him over and spare myself the misery. But then I would probably kill myself too. There is no fucking way I am living in this hell while he is free from it.

I quickly get out of the car and stay far behind. I even wore a black hoodie so he doesn't recognise me.
Who am I kidding he would recognise me even if I wear an invisible cloak.

The place looks super crowded and shady. If this is a strip club, I am going to bury him alive. No kidding.

I run behind him and see him go onto a stage.
I stand still.
He looks ferocious.
As if he can sense me, he turns his head in my direction. I quickly duck down and count from one to ten. I finally peek and see him shaking his head to focus and then he steps into a ring.

My breath stops. I am so angry that I start shaking. It doesn't matter how good he looks while fighting. Or how much people love him. Because I can hear at least a thousand screams. He fucking promised.

I see him get a kick to his face and I flinch. Why the fuck isn't he concentrating? I look up to his face and see he him staring at someone. Someone he wants to murder. Someone very unreasonable. Someone like me.

So I do the one thing I shouldn't have done. I run.


"Oh no you don't", I say, my voice shaking with anger. And something that looks a lot like fear. I turn her around, pulling her to my chest, flush against my body. Under my mercy. And glare at her.

She looks away.

"What the fuck are you doing here star? Don't you dare give me some bullshit cause you don't wanna test me right now" I say my nose touching hers.

"If you don't let me go right fucking now, I will shout rape", she says cooly refusing to look at my eyes. This isn't my star. My star doesn't stay so aloof. Well if we have to break the statue to bring her out, so be it.

"Look me in the eye right now", I forcefully pull her chin up, threading my hands in her soft hair as we look at each other eye to eye. She is practically spitting fire. She is mad. Well good. Cause so am I.
What the fuck was she thinking by coming here. Does she even know how unsafe this place or is she actually empty in her pretty little head.

The problem is she thinks she is smart. She is not.
She is fucking stupid. She oozes innocence. And hell will freeze over before I let anyone taint it. Anyone except me of course.

"We are enemies aren't we?", she whispers in my neck. I still. She is treading thin ice.


"Well then we are over," she saying pulling away from my arms. I laugh scornfully in disbelief of how stupid she can be. I cage her to the wall covering her neck with my hands.

I kiss her hungrily. Punishing her. Punishing myself. I consume her, not giving her the chance to breathe as I put my hands under her stupid hoodie. Which is mine by the way.
But it doesn't seem like she minds because she kisses me back with equal intensity as her hands roam all over my body, sending shivers. She bites. I bite back. We demolish each other and build each other again. This continues for about twenty minutes with my shirt and her bra torn. She has hickies all over neck and my favourite one is the one right under her chin. She has scratches on her face from my light stubble. Mine.

She looks good enough to eat again and before I can feast on her again she pulls away.

I let her.
I let her think she won. I let her think she is walking home alone. I let her think she is the one in charge.

Cause the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without a battle.
And then attack without mercy.

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