Chapter 11

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I am fucking furious. He thought I didn't know he was following me.

I know every time this fucking stalker follows me home.

Okay not every time. This was the third time I knew. I am sure there must have been at least 20 unknown times. Like I have mentioned, he genuinely shows traces of a psychopath.

I reach home, subtly showing him my middle finger as I fix my hair on the doorstep. Yes, I am quite immature when it comes to him.

By the next morning, I already dread going to school. The bane of my existence is downstairs, charming the panties of my mother as always. Okay gross.
Honestly Zo had the ability to charm the knickers off a fucking stapler.

I didn't want to go down the steps but I also didn't him to feel the essence of victory. I go down as Zohravar stares at me through his ugly eyes that make me wanna drown in them and never get out.

"Alizeh, I was just telling your mom about the day you fell down in the lake with mud all around you! ", the idiotic jerk said.

"Oh my god, that's so funny. Why didn't you ever tell me? " my mom asked me.
Cause you were never around.

I hate how Zohravar pinned me down with his stare as soon as I thought that. I hate how well he knew me because of his years of "observing" my every thought and action.

So instead I smiled sweetly and said "Let's not forget who got mud in his tiny weeny."
He came to me, smiled and I knew what was coming. "Oh baby, that's not what Kiara said when she sucked my weeny last night. But if you want, you are welcome to measure anytime. See if it goes down your throat." He whispered softly.

My throat clogged as he smirked at me. I was burning with jealousy. I hated him so much.

"Ahm", my mother said as I pushed away his chest and ran up, locking myself in my room.

I laid on my bet and stared at the ceiling. I vividly remember the day he had pushed me in the lake. He was fifteen.
I sat next to Ayaan during our school picnic to hurt Ace. I didn't look at him even once, but knew he was angry enough to bring a catastrophe in my world.

We were playing volleyball on the lake as Ayaan who had been trying to touch me the whole time, took my hand, away from everyone. Away from Ace.
I didn't even turn to see if he was looking. Cause I knew he was. Always.

I knew Ayaan liked me. I knew he was going to ask me out right now. "I didn't like him back" would be an understatement. I simply didn't care for his existence.
I hated girls who didn't know what they wanted. Ayaan should know there is only one guy who consumed my mind, my body and my soul. I won't say heart. Cause the consummation of heart made one weak. Ace didn't make me weak. He was my drug to live.

I felt him before I turned around. I felt the air. I felt the vibrations among us.
Then Zo punched Ayaan.

"What the fuck", Ayaan screeched.

"I told you, you didn't listen.", Ace replied.

I didn't even gasp. I just looked at him. At his calm demeanour which was anything but calm inside.
He dragged my hand. I didn't protest. He needed this. We needed this. Before I tell him.

He pushed me inside the lake. I looked at him as I struggled to float.I saw the anger, the jealousy, the distress and then I saw fear. So what did I do?

I pulled him inside with me as he clutched my body hard and I clung onto him. He bit my cheek. I pushed him away. He didn't let me.

"You are leaving." he said as he stared at me, daring me to say yes.

"What's it to you?" I asked as I looked anywhere but at one of the biggest reason of why I was leaving. He laughed.

"Tell me Star, do you think you can escape me?"

"Stop it, Ace." I whispered.

"Bombay right? Hmm should I sabotage your admission or better yet come with you myself? Tell me, the options are all yours." He taunted but I could see the darkness in his eyes. I knew he was capable of doing it. He somehow managed to get us both down with fever the last time my parents wanted to send me for a summer camp.

"Ace please. I am doing this for me. I need space." I lied, whispering in his ear. To say he didn't want to hear that would be an understatement.

He swam us towards the deep end of the lake as I yelped. He pushed our bodies down until only our faces were above the waters.
"We stay here together or we die. There aren't any other options.", he said.

"You are the toxic poison who is going to kill everything beautiful in my life and I would let you, Ace" I whispered as I looked at him eye to eye.

He kissed me softly and I let him. He stopped as he realised what I did. I had opened his pants and put mud in his underwear, the mud I had safely kept hidden in my pocket for revenge. He pushed me away and held my hands as he tried taking it out. He put all of it on my face as I rubbed my cheek against his and escaped my monster.

"Every time you escape me is because I let you, Star" he shouted as I ran away from him.

I know.




"Open the door before I break it, Alizeh" I heard his voice.

I was too lost to realise he was banging on my door since a long time.

I huffed and opened the door. "Hi, bye, I don't want you here." I attempted to shut the door but it was too late and he was too strong. I hated his football strength.

He put one step forward as I took two back till I reached the wall.

Suddenly he put his hands in my pants as I tried pushing him away. He took out the sheet I was hiding from him.
Another sketch of him.

He looked at it, smirked and put it in his back pocket.

He smacked my butt and said "Let's go."

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