Chapter 12

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She looked at me like I had killed her dog. Actually this look was worse than what she gave me when I was eight and hid her puppy, Pluto because he took up most of her time and always got to cuddle her. He was a fucking attention seeking brat. He died when we were eleven and the amount of tears Alizeh shed, made me hate myself for letting her close to him.
He was the first and then the last thing she was allowed to get close to. I didn't let her get close to my mom's Labrador either.

"Do you really think I would go anywhere with you after yesterday?", she said bringing me out of my thoughts.

Of course not but it was worth a try.

So I took her backpack, dragged her hand, ignoring her protests.

She didn't say anything during the ride to school. She just sulked for a few minutes with her hands crossed and then ignored me completely like I am the most forgettable person in the world as she looked out of the window.

Well two can play this game.

I wasn't gonna beg her to talk to me. No matter how much I hated the silence between us. She had questions she wanted to ask and I had answers I didn't want to give.
I could intoxicate on her silence for now.
An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as her can be disastrous. But I wasn't only indulged in her, she had crawled up into my body and never left.

The hands on my wheel tightened as I took deep breaths. I suddenly thought of slamming my dick into her to get her to open her mouth and scream only my name.

She didn't even wait for me to park the car. As soon as I slowed the car, she opened the door and jumped out and I wanted to spank her for being so dense.

As I get out of my car, Zain walks towards patting me on my back, I don't ask him about his black eye just like he doesn't ask me about my shattered knuckles.
On a second thought I could pretend my knuckles really hurt in front of her. No matter how much she wants to set me on fire, she would always do my first aid before it. And then douse the same alcohol ointment over my body and light a match.

"Coach's calling you to the office man." I nod as I catch Alizeh staring at me challengingly before she flips the bird and turns around.

Zain chuckles as I push past him.
And her.
Brushing my fingers with hers on the way. While Zain wonders why I took the long way to the field. Yeah me too buddy.

I hit a goal as the team rushes towards me, congratulating me like I am responsible for the fucking world peace. As I walk out with a Gatarode in my hand I look up to see, Anoushka hanging around my locker.

Who the fuck even allowed her inside. I would put a case on her for the way she is eye raping me right now but that would entail talking in the same air as her so I resist it.
Apparently I spoke to soon as she comes near me and puts a hand on my chest and I would rather be poked in the eye with those fake long claws on her fingers. They are so red that they come a close second to being the ugliest thing in the room after her yellow face.

"I can help you make her jealous." she says.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out who she is talking about. Cause her only two brain cells have been overused to fucking ruin Alizeh's life.

I am not about it. I am the only one who has a right on Alizeh's life.
"I might have even considered the offer if you would have popped a few gums to remove your dick breath."  I say as I smile at her.
"You are such a dick." she says.
"Too close." as I push her away, clearing the air with my hands.
"That was fucking mean man" Zain says chuckling.
I remember to give Anoushka a salute as I walk out.

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