Chapter 35

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Hey everyone!! I am sorry for the long break. It's just that I was not very satisfied with the response I received, so I was a little disheartened. It's fine though, I will try to be back with a newer and a better book. However, this chapter would be the end of Zohravar and Alizeh. Thank you for supporting them and for reading my book, y'all know who you are xoxo.

1 year later


"Are you sure about this?" my mother asks, while Ace looks at me like he wants to strangle me.

"Yes. I am positive." I reply, my head high but the quiver in my voice is unmissable. Ace lets out a full blown laugh.

"You think I am cheating on you?" he repeats like he is giving me a chance to be smart.

Well I have never been very smart.

"Yes." I reply.

"Honestly, Alizeh, I am really done with you at this point." My mom huffs and walks away. I wanna bite back and tell her she never started with me but one look from Ace reminds me I don't wanna spoil the only relation he has let me keep. Barely.

I don't wanna look at Ace. At this point I just wanna drink and drown in my own misery. It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to figure that my soon to be ex boyfriend has had enough of my moody bullshit. So, I swiftly try to push past him and rush to bathroom. Emphasize on try.

"Great. I have been thinking about bathroom sex all over my drive back here." he practically growls.

He picks me up with a jerk and drops me on his shoulder while I kick and cry. At this point, I am aware that I am a full blown lunatic to ever doubt that this crazy obsessed psycho would ever cheat on me.

But he hadn't paid proper attention to me since a week because of his final football game and I craved it. So now, I had it.

It was time for me to pretend I didn't want it.

"When your stupid mother called me up in the midst of practice, I prayed to god it better be good, atleast for my sanity." He manages to breathe out in between our tug of war.

He drops me on the bed and pushes my shoulder down, climbing on top of me.

"If you think I am gonna let you fuck me, you might be the biggest delusional piece of shit I have ever met." I scorn.

"Oh yeah, well I had hoped I would get a fucking blowjob not a full blown break up when I tell you what I planned. Tough luck baby, life sucks" he whispered making me want to punch his godly beautiful face.

He yanks my shorts down, without a warning and pushes three fingers inside, mercilessly. I try pushing him away but who am I kidding I only pull him closer. He drives his fingers in and out and refuses to kiss me, resorting to just licking my tears.

"Well you are letting a cheater to fuck you baby?" He whispers as my moans become louder.

"If you cheated, I am gonna castrate your dick, but first please" I gasp as he pushes almost his entire hand inside and then abruptly pulls it out, making me wanna kick his groin.

"Shhhhh" he says, catching my legs with his hands.

Fucking dick. Who does he think he is?

"Now I want you to be a good little girl and bring the lipstick here. I know you kept it." He says pulling my chin and placing a condescending kiss to my forehead. I tiptoe to the dresser in the closet, naked from waist down.

"Open it" he commands. I look at him bored.

Why are we still discussing this?

He snatches it from my hand and opens it.

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