Chapter 26

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I could feel him in the air. 

I could always feel him from miles away. I recognise his scent, his touch, the air he brought into the room when he entered. I could spot his dark soul in a carnival filled with colours .

I knew he was around. I thought I'd escaped him. I was even stupid enough to think he'd forgotten I ever existed.

I know when he comes back, he would hit harder than I ever thought possible.

And just like a domino—I would fall. One by one.

I don't even know why I ran away from him. Maybe it was my ego. Maybe I wanted to prove something. Or maybe I just wanted to prove him wrong.

That I can live without him. But I can't. I know I am going to return soon. There is no way I would miss my classes longer than a week.

I walk back to my temporary home from the coffee shop two streets across.

Someone comes behind me and covers my mouth, choking my neck from behind, my voice comes out muffled as I struggle to breathe. 

I recognise his scent as I finally breathe again.

He came.

He pushes me against the wall and swallows my entire body with his large frame. Every inch of his, touches mine as he cocks his head.

"Do I want to know how you found me?" I ask panting.

"Your little friend, Rosie thinks I'm taking you out on a surprise date. Not the sharpest pencil in the box, but then you always had a soft spot for the simpletons of the world." he says with a stupid smirk on his mouth.

I then realise he had always followed me everywhere, like a dark cloud with a bellyful of rain. 

"I don't believe you." I scoff.

"Good thing I don't exist to live up to your expectations." He says, disregarding me and pulling me to my apartment.

Fuck. I missed him so much.

He knocks on the door as Rosie opens it. She looks at him with stars in her eyes. I don't even bother being jealous. He is like a war. And she? She is not even worth a squabble. She is just a shadow, a replicate of something that should have been.

He whips out his wallet and gives her his credit card as she looks at him shocked. 

"Give me twenty minutes alone with her. Go outside, buy anything" 

She blinks at him. 

"Go get yourself a new chair. Or a table. Or whatever the fuck it is you need. My treat. Go order food for the whole building. Buy the stray cat down the road a bed to piss on. I'll give you twenty minutes with my credit card if you give me ten minutes in this house with her. Alone."

She arches her eyebrow in my direction. Yeah buddy, me too.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." she says.

"He is not my boyfriend" I laugh. This is ridiculous.

"You should tell him that. It doesn't seem like he got the memo."

He looks at her bluntly as she throws his credit card, embarrassed and rushes out leaving me alone with him.

"So you planned on running away?" he says as he stands dangerously close to my face.

I stare back at him.

"Confide in me, my hideous little monster."

I just swallow him with my eyes. I love him so much.

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