Chapter 17

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One month later


My bedroom door opens with a bang as Zohravar enters inside.

He looks lethal. Like he is out for a kill. I stand up.
He pushes me against the wall choking me, taking a knife out, placing it close to my heart.
I curse myself for wearing a sports bra.

"What was my uncle doing in Bombay in your hostel last year."

I freeze. Too stunned to breathe.

"Alizeh lie to me one more time, I dare you" he places the knife on my skin, pressing the blunt side of it enough to create a scar.

They say time heals wounds.
It's a fucking lie. It worsens them. Time rots them. Corrupts them. Disintegrates them. Time never forgets. It never forgives.
Time kills.

Tears break out on my face as I bleed with my eyes for him to see. But these are the tears he hates.

"No." He shouts on the top of his voice.
"Tell me it's not true."

I stay silent. I can't look into his eyes.

Suddenly a wave of anger passes him as he punches the wall next to me. I silently wait for him to calm down. He wrecks havoc in my room. I gape at him and see my own dark soul taunting me back saying there is no way out.

"When?" He asks. A simple question.
I could have lied. I decide to give him the truth.

"The day we both came back from the hospital.  He tried it on my bed. I punched him. I ran to your room. I couldn't go inside but I laid on your door hoping if he does something you would hear my scream."

I don't tell him about the time he groped me on the dinner table. Or the time he tried kissing me in the hallway.

He just understands.

"Why did he come to Bombay?"

I laugh "To threaten to kill you if I tell anyone."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks.

I look anywhere but at him.

"I didn't think you would care." I lie.
He was the only one you looked upto.

Ace looks at me, takes a breath and leaves.
I fall into pieces and break down.

He comes back with more anger than before. He picks me up and throws me on the bed as I cover myself. I see his eyes as I see them in my nightmare and in my dreams.

He presses his body into me as he pushes his jeans cladded dick into me.

"You will die when I say so. You will fade into nothingness when I want you to. For now, you will fight this with me because I need you to do it." He growls.

He licks away all my tears and says
"Any drop of your tear that isn't mine is a tear wasted baby."

He gets up to leave as I say "Please don't."

"Don't count on it, Star."


I grip my steering wheel tightly as I shake away all the images of My Star and that piece of shit together. He touched her. I wasn't there. I didn't know. She didn't tell me for five fucking years.

Who the fuck does she think she is trying to "protect" me.
I wasn't the only monster in her nightmares. There were so many.

I reach his house.

"Hello uncle" I smile.

"Son. How have you been?"

"Good. Is anyone home?"

"No. Your aunt is in Dubai on a shopping spree. Women these days haha."

Alizeh thought I was close to him. I wasn't. I only spent time with him to get information. Anything to bring down my father.

"So I will make this quick." I stare at him.

His face visibly pales.

"I need to go to-"
"Shut up" I say as I push his face into the kitchen sink.
"I can't wash my face with hard water" he yells panicking.

This fucker is going to die and all he cares about is tap water.

"Then I have a better idea."
I drag him by his hair to the bathtub.

"Strip right now."


I take the razor from the cabinet "Should I shave every cloth from your body?"
He quickly takes out his clothes, shivering.
"I didn't want to do it, I swear"

By that time I write his suicide note. The writing is legit. The reason seems good enough bullshitting along the lines of stress and failed relationships.

"So you have two options, sign the letter, swallow the pills and die peacefully. Or don't sign the letter, I will slit your wrist and you die painfully and messily, not to mention it might stain the bathtub. Either way, I don't care, you are gonna die by the night."

"How can you do this? I am your uncle. Why would you kill me for that pathetic whore."

He is testing my patience.

"Quick, I am hungry. Might just stock up on the food in your fridge. It would be a shame to waste it"
He fucking doesn't move an inch.

I take the razor and press it lightly towards his neck as he screams. It barely cuts him but it does the effect.

He chooses the pills.

"You and her? You can never be together. There is so much you both don't know. I love you, son. I did it for you because she is your weakness. Kings don't have weakness, son" are his last words.
I wait for the regret that I have never felt in my life. It doesn't come.

Weakness? I laugh.
Alizeh might just bring him alive and murder him again if she heard it.

I snoop around his room and find nothing. But I do find a chewed pencil deep inside his drawer.

So my Star has snooped in here before.
I know the exact pattern in which she chews her pencil. She used to leave them everyday on her school desks before. I may have picked them. I may have saved them. They might still be there in my drawer.
Fuck I am a creep. 

I put the pencil in my pocket and go to kitchen grabbing a packet of chips and a red bull.

I jump out of the window, eat it in my car and go home.

I look at her from my car as her voice echoes in my head "Don't do it." Well tough luck I already did it, Star.
I can't help shake the feeling that if I wasn't close to her, half of this shit wouldn't have happened to her. But then so much wouldn't happened to me too.

She looks up from her desk, chewing another pencil, probably drawing me again. She stares at me with pleading eyes, silently asking me if I did it.

I look at her one last time before I drive away to the club.

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