Chapter 8 - Y/N makes a call

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hope you like this chapter thank you for 1k reads :))

my breaths were short and raspy as i gasped for air. i could barely see out of my eyes and they felt puffy and stung like hell. i don't know how long i had been crying for but the house was quiet all i could hear was the occasional sob coming from my mouth. i felt physically in pain it was deep in my stomach and it wasn't going away.

'all i want is to know he is okay' i thought to myself as my hands gripped tighter and tighter around the phone.

i was waiting for it to ring. i knew it wouldn't but i was still going to wait. however long he needed i would wait. i don't know why he is mad at me but i will find out.

i took a deep breath and sat up abruptly causing my head to erupt in pain. i clutched it and leaned back on the headboard. i took another deep breath and flipped open my phone, and dialled the number. my finger hovered over the call button as i wondered if this was the right thing to do. i brushed away my insecure thoughts and pressed. all i could hear was the soft hum of the phone as it rang. and rang. and rang.

my heart was beating so fast it almost drowned out the sound that seemed to go on forever. but the suddenly i heard the sound of someone picking up the phone.

"hello?" a soft spoken voice answered. i sat there in silence not knowing what to do or what to say.

"...hello?" he repeated, confused. i wrapped my hands around the phone as if it were him i was holding.

"p-pete" i croaked struggling to get the words out. i heard no soothing voice reply. he knew who was on the phone with him. he knew he would have to tell me sooner or later. so i spoke again. sounding more confident this time

"Pete, Pete it's y/n" i said, still clutching the phone by my ear in both hands.

"i know who it is." he said blankly. my shoulders dropped and so did my hope. but just as i was about to hang up.

"im sorry, y/n, about everything. i shut you out when you probably could have helped me more than anyone." he said it in a way that made it seem like everything in the world was going to be okay. he had a way of doing that.

"i missed you." i said starting to relax a little more.

"i missed you too." he said his voice breaking half way through. i heard his breathing become heavier and his voice continued to give it all away.

"betsy has gone missing my mom noticed when she got home from work." i'm sorry i didn't tell you i just didn't want to rope you in to my troubles"

"Pete, your troubles, are my troubles. i'm sorry but you're stuck with me."

he laughed "your the best person i could ask to be stuck with."

"i wish i could see you and give you a big hug. i said longing for him to wrap his arms around me and to feel his warmth against me.

"come on then, just super quickly come to my place. just knock though. don't ring the bell."

i smiled and whispered back "I'll be there in 15"

we both said goodbye and hung up the phone. i almost leaped out of my bed. i suddenly felt free. but i had to get out this house so i could see Pete. but first i needed he extra 5 minuets to try and make my eyes look less like i just got shot. i ran downstairs still being careful to not make too much noise. and went to the freezer. i pulled out the ice cube tray and placed an ice cube on my eyes rubbing it gently around to try and reduce the blood flow in that particular area. i had seen a life hack on it. i quickly checked in the mirror and saw that my eyes actually looked sort of okay. i crept to the door like a ninja and slide open the bolt on the front door as quietly as i could. i made it outside and as fast as i could i ran to Pete's house.

i quietly knocked on the door when i got there, and sure enough he was there to great me in seconds. a broad smile broke out on his face when he saw me and i ran into him wrapping my arms around him tightly. he was warm. he squeezed me gently and led me inside.

he held me hand as he showed me where his room was. all the baseball posters were so him.

"i gotta go to the bathroom i will be right back."

i smiled and he walked out of the room

i slowly and carefully stepped around his room admiring and taking in every detail. it was amazing how much you could learn about someone by looking at their room. his posters of Dean sparkled and i noticed a picture of him when he was younger perched on his chest of drawers i picked it up wanting a closer look i smiled and placed it carefully back where i found it. when i got to his wardrobe i silently opened it his smell covering me. he smelt like home. i shifted through his shirts one by one stopping to make sure they all smelt as good. i heard the toilet flush and quickly closed it. i that wasn't creepy of me was it?

he walked back into the room wiping his hands on his top revealing part of his perfect body. i tried to stop myself from looking at his stomach and instead locked my eyes firmly on his.

he walked towards me slowly getting closer, and closer until his face was inches away from mine. he placed his hand on mine and then gently slide it up my arm sending shivers down my spine. he kept walking towards me making me walk backwards and he slowly pushed me onto the bed so he was on top of me and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"i promise to you that i will never, ever hurt you again."

i smiled "Pete don't make a promise you can't keep."

he lifted his head from my ear and moved his lips onto mine sending spirals of butterflies swirling into my stomach.

eeee hope you liked it omg tho the ending :0 but yeah, next chapter will be soon

love you all

-words 1104

-gabby :)

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