(FxM) .Sylvain.

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Minor usage of bad language 

Surrounded by women, once again. Why did you have to fall for him? The only real womanizer in this blasted place and you actually loved him! 

"It's disgusting, right?" Felix sighed, sheathing his sword back into it's scabbard and raising his dark brows at his older friend. 

"I wouldn't go that far..." You mumbled, turning your attention back onto the redhead with his arms cloaked around two women from the town. He was drunk, once again.

"Of course you wouldn't." Felix's usual harsh demeanour turned softer, he took pity in the fact that you had fallen for Sylvain, everyone knew it bar the man himself. "When will you drop them feelings for him?" The pair of you watched Sylvain trip and stumble over his own feet as he waved two girls from the town off.

"I...I don't think they'll ever go away." You admitted, "But please stop talking so openly about it."

"You know that me of all people would be the last to inform that idiot, although it may whip him into shape if he knew." Felix pondered the last bit out loud, counting down the seconds until Sylvain will fall into a heap on the floor and you would drag him back to his room, mending his headache and liver.

"Don't you dare. Go to bed." You shooed the boy away, scared he'd blurt out '___ loves you' as soon as Sylvain got close enough to hear.

"And leave you here again to deal with that mess?" Felix remained glued to the floor, he gauged ten seconds until Sylvain's face hit the floor.

"Yes. I manage fine the other times he's been abandoned." You snarked, running to the man with your arms out, catching him just as he dropped to his knees.

"We don't abandon him, he's just a fucker when drunk. No one wants to be around him!" Felix yelled, you were hopeless.

"___? Heh, you're like my motherrr~" Sylvain slurred, his body jolting every few seconds from the hiccups. "Should that be your new name? Mummy?"

"D-don't call me that!" You hauled the man up and let him lean his much larger body onto your shoulders, he automatically swung his arms around your frame.

"Ahh~ Mother I'm sorry I got drunk againnn." The man sang, swaying the pair of you back and forth with his strength over you.

"Sylvain I am not your mother!" You shushed the man, giggling at his antics- someone had to help this fool, there was no way you could just leave him there to be shouted names at from knights and disgusted nuns.

"Yeaah I know." He sighed, following your footsteps with his eyes half open, the dining hall was mostly empty. "Hey. Have you been waiting for me to come back the whole time?"

"What? Oh no I just always have my rounds to do at this time." You lied, picking up the glass of water you poured previously and helped the guy slump onto a chair. "Here we are." You smiled, pushing the glass over the table so Sylvain could take it.

"You did wait here." he frowned, taking the glass and gulping it's contents in one.

"I suppose so. Thankfully you never remember in the mornings." You took the cup from him and handed it to the cook. "Come."

"I do remember! Some things." Sylvain stood and obeyed your small order, following you like a dog to the second floor dorms.

"Oh? That's new." You blinked, contemplating if this was another drunken lie or a rare drunken truth.

"Mm. Yes. It's hard to talk with you about it the next day. You know, to thank you- you're always busy or doing something more important than listening to my silly words." You both reached the dorms and it seemed as if Sylvain was a magnet to the walls as he dragged himself along them as he walked.

"I'm never too busy for your words, Sylvain." You hummed, holding your hand out for his key- he dropped it willingly in your palm, not letting go of his intense gaze. "What?"

"Why the fuck are you so kind to me?"

"What do you mean? We have been friends for years-"

"So? You don't see Felix helping me. Gods I'm such a shithole, taking your friendship for granted and not even giving you the time or day to thank you." He was almost crying, fiddling with your hair as you turned the key in his door. "Come into town with me?"

"Hah, no thank you Sylvain." You pulled his hand down from your hair, he was drunk. He didn't mean that. "There are far more women you could-"

"No, I don't mean it in a playboy one-night  thing. Let me buy you something, like new boots for riding! O-or that necklace you saw the other supply run." He rambled, taking you into his room with him.

"Keen eye." You'd be lying if you said you weren't almost dying at the thought that he even remembered such a thing, although that blush confirmed it.

"You're blushing." He stated, plopping his backside onto the edge of his bed and kicking off the metallic boots he wore to battle. "You do that often."

"N-no I don't!" Caught in a trap you were.

"You do too." Sylvain looked up at you, "Will you help me take this off?" He sighed, pulling himself of the bed once more and turning his back to you, revealing the bolts and buckles of his armour. Often you'd ask why he wore it, but it never went as far as you removing the stuff!

"Then I can go to bed?" Your fingers snapped off the bolts and Sylvain threw it all in a corner of his room, disregarding anyone sleeping next-door.

"You wish to get away from me so soon? Can't blame you." He chuckled, turning back around, "I will buy you that necklace and them boots." It was like he was swearing an oath to you or something, he even bowed his sorry head in your way. "I shall also give thy fair maiden an embrace of gratitude."

Sylvain pulled you into a hug, he stunk of beer and cologne yet you loved it. Your bodies remained close until you actually began to wonder if he had his head rested on your own so he could sleep.

"___." He whispered your name out into the open, squeezing your back tighter with his hands.

"Yes?" You relaxed, your head nuzzled into his chest like a baby being cradled by their mother.

"Those women in the town. They're nice, but, you're far nicer." He paused, pulling you back to look at you, "You'll never leave me, right?"

"Never." You nodded, smiling with your eyes Sylvain was just a very misunderstood being, trapped by his crest.

"I love you. Thank you."


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