(FxM) .Dimitri.

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It was the winter holidays at Garreg Mach, students who wished to do so could go home, back to their families and warm homes instead of the religious fortress. People like Sylvain, Ashe, Ingrid and Annette did so- Mercedes tagged along with Annette too, being best friends and all they went everywhere together.

"Your highness, the staff at your castle require news on your homecoming." Dedue politely informed Dimitri of the letter he received a week ago, the Prince still hadn't made up his mind on if the lone halls were what he really needed.

"I suppose there's not much to do here." Dimitri sighed, it was only four people left out of the Blue Lions: Felix, You, Dedue and himself. "I don't wish to leave ___ alone here with only Felix." He shook his head, knowing how lonely you would be without any of your friends, Felix was no good at being a comforter.

"Are you worried she would get the wrong idea if you asked for her to join you in the castle?" Dedue put a hand to his chin in thought, "I doubt she'd get the wrong idea, Your Highness. ___ is quite easy-going."

"You're right, I should at least try." Dimitri nodded, hoping his feelings for you wouldn't mess up his request.

* * *

"This is it." Dimitri smiled to you, guards took all three of your bags while Dedue headed inside to check all things were prepared for his liege and classmate.

"It's much larger past the gates." You stated in awe, walking side by side with the kind prince, "Thank you for this, Dimitri." You sniffed, your scarf keeping him from seeing the red nose and cheeks forming from the weather and from the glistening of hope you had at this visit.

"Nonsense. I would be lying if I said I wasn't relieved when you accepted, even with Dedue I get lonely myself." He shook his head, stings of blonde hair tickling his forehead. 

Inside the firm walls was warm and welcoming- the maids and butlers tended to all your needs and soon enough the first meal had been demolished rather quickly and quietly.

"You seemed to like that." Dimitri laughed, knowing your past he didn't blame you for enjoying any ounce of food you could get, unlike other nobles or people of royal stature, Dimitri found it easier to get along with those who he didn't share the same background as him. 

"Of course I did." You beamed, not knowing what else to do now that the meal was over with. A building urge to explore was crawling into your mind despite it being rather rude to explore another's home- despite it being a castle.

"Are you tired? You can go back to your room if you wish." Dimitri cleared his throat- wanting you to say 'no' and to spend the night roaming the halls with him like he did with his stepmother. Just talking.

"I'm not too tired." You hummed, looking back at the blonde who refused to sit at the head of the table. "But perhaps I should get some rest for tomorrow." You stood up, not actually sure on where your room was again.

"I'll show you where your room is, ___. His highness has somewhere to be." Dedue solemnly spoke, bowing to Dimitri and leading you out of the grand dining room without another word.

"E-er, Goodnight, ___!" Dimitri called, not quite sure on what Dedue was pulling.


"Your room." Dedue stopped outside two large white doors, the blue rug under your boots made the place seem more... comforting even with such a size. "Down the hall is his Highness' quarters, he asked for you to be situated close in case of emergency."

Dimitri's so caring.

"Thanks Dedue! Have a nice night." You patted the man on his shoulder with no hesitation and headed straight for the four-poster bed on your left- sinking into it's luxurious white sheets and pillows. All of your belongings were hung up in a brown wardrobe built next to a tall window and you even had a cute dressing table with a mirror too.

So tired. From the excitement you had no idea how tired you actually were, kicking off your boots and removing the winter clothing you had on, you replaced it with your woolly pyjamas Annette bought you for your birthday a few months ago.


You shot up, heavy breathing and sweat covering your face.

A nightmare.

Were you loud? You swore someone was knocking at your door and yet it stopped as soon as you sat up. 

"___? C-can I come in?" Dimitri called from the other side of the doors, worry wavering through his words. You rubbed your eyes, looking to the window on the other side of the room and noticing how dark it was, you hadn't even drawn the curtains.

"Yes." You squeaked, watching the doors open slowly, and Dimitri slipping through in his night garments. "O-oh, Dimitri did I wake you?" You looked away, he was highly indecent and each peak of his exposed biceps made you ache.

"I couldn't sleep, don't worry yourself." He tutted, taking a candle from the stand at the door and lighting it with a spare match, revealing his slightly messed hair and furrowed brows. "Whatever happened?"

"I had a nightmare." You pulled the covers over you more, hugging your knees to your chest as you recalled the dreaded thing. A dream where someone dressed in black killed all your friends, including Dimitri- but he was more than a friend at this point.

"I have them all the time, can I help at all?" He stayed at the entrance of the room, not wanting to impose your personal space even more, especially regarding the time of night. "Perhaps a glass of water?" 

"I couldn't ask that of you." You smiled, even though he could just about see the outline of your shadowed body.

"Don't be silly. Water it is." He hummed, padding over the blue rug and taking a glass from the draw beside your bed, each room must be gifted with such a thing. "You don't have to worry about asking things from me- clearly I don't mind, considering I asked for you to stay here over the holidays." Dimitri chuckled, going into the en-suite and filling the clear glass up.

You didn't know what to think of that, was there another reason on why he invited you here? You thought he was just taking pity on your whole abandonment issues.

"Here." He handed you the glass and hovered slightly, not sure where to place himself in this situation.

"You can sit down if you want ." You stated, shuffling over to give him room on the bed, "You're nothing like Sylvain so I don't mind." You chuckled, sipping the cold water like a new-born kitten.

Dimitri nodded, this was the first time he'd been so close like this with a female, never mind one he had feelings for. Placing the silverware down on the bedside table, he took a small spot on the edge of your bed, tucking his scarred hands into his silk pockets.

"You know how you said I can ask things of you?" You started, placing the cup down and taking a deep breath.

"Yes. And I mean it, ___. You're more than just a fellow pupil, I'd be glad to help you in any way."

"W-well." You stammered, "Will you stay here until I fall asleep?"

Dimitri burned up, did you want him to lie with you? Just sit there? Tell you a story or something? His mind was racing, his pubescent mind crawling up with wrong ideas. "U-uh, of course." He took a deep breath and braved the movement of lying down beside you, his heart in his throat at the closeness of your body.

It stayed silent, until you dozed off- followed by Dimitri shortly after, his arm flopped over your curled state. That was until Dedue turned the place upside-down trying to find him, only to eventually open your doors and see the pair of you curled up together in a deep sleep.


I am no good at one shots. Apologies, I am bored :)

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