(FxF) .Mercedes.

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This is a requested story for TheRedRoseJester (I hope you like it!)

"Are you sure you are okay?" Dimitri, your puppy-dog house leader, had both of his pale palms outstretched on the dark oak desk you perched before. He towered over you, presence burning into the crown of your head as you refused to meet eyes with the boy-near-man. "That hunchback you have there isn't convincing, you know?" His baby blue eyes wavered slightly when you finally dared to glance up at him, your brows and mouth both drawn into a firm line with determination. 

"Once again, I'm fine." You sighed before giving him some reasoning as to why he should leave you alone. "Honestly, it is just a mere scratch on my arm." You lied, again, something you hated but had no choice to go through with. Telling the truth only brought more commotion and that wasn't your favourite thing in the world. 

It would also bring her. Who may also be one of your favourite things in the world.

There was a comfortable silence that you took as Dimitri thinking to himself. Despite this, he retreated slightly and instead backed into Professor Byleth's desk, leaning his toned back onto the matching wood edge that sat on a pedestal of steps. Arms folded, closing himself off for a while. 

"Maybe we should find Merecedes. That's better than Manuela right? There will be no-"

Before Dimitri could negotiate further you burst in fear, jolting your entire body up-right as you squeaked; "No!" Both yours and the troubled Princes' eyes widened from shock, an open palm you had originally clenched from pain flew to your open mouth as if you could take the exclamatory back. "I mean..." It was no use, the damage was done and Dimitri bit his lip in what appeared to be...embarrassment?  Why would that be?

That's when you felt it. Her. The looming presence of another behind you sent shivers up your spine and the sickly sweet smell you loved to inhale caused a sudden drop in your stomach. Mercedes was the one woman you felt so at ease with but also so fidgety around.

All because you couldn't get over this damn crush.

"What's the matter, ___?" To match her scent, Mercedes spoke in a sweet tone that was foreign to your ears before you came to Garreg Mach. "Have I done something to upset you?" 

You wished to tell her no and that she made you want to declare your attraction from the pointed cyan roofs of the monastery. For all devotees and knights to hear. But that was a bit excessive. 

Alas, you couldn't. Not from nerves or fear, but because you had this gut-wrenching feeling that Mercedes had fallen for another. The idea of coming between her and her happiness with another was enough to make you stand down when you saw Sylvain blatantly flirt or Annette sleep over in her dorm eating cookies they baked the morning before. God how you wished she'd do that with you. 

You and Mercedes, the infamous beauty cleric, had a good relationship. She healed you always when your clumsy actions allowed the tip of a lance to open the flesh of your libs again. Not only that, but you noticed how she would request to team up with you on partnered projects set for after-class hours. This got you into her in the first place, how she brought sweet treats when studying together and never told a soul about them damn nightmares you get after battles.

Despite her reassuring you it was 'normal'.

"___?" She called your name again, this time with a small hint of disappointment. That frown you despised came into view as you slowly turned to meet her deep eyes. "Goodness, you're hurt again." Pushing your past words behind her for the moment, she darted forward. Light-blonde locks bouncing above her chest. How she got her hair so luscious, you don't know. She attempted to give you some products for your own hair but it never really had the same effect. 

 "Mercedes I'm fine." Another lie. 

"No. Your hair is askew, you're hunched over and I can see the blood from here." Now bent on both knees, Mercedes flung her hand up to your forehead, disregarding the pink illuminating on your cheeks. "You're such a silly girl." She hummed, taking your right arm in her hand and using the other to now spread glowing white magic over the gash you gained. 

Frustrated. That was the term you used often in these situations. She even called you silly. And girl at that. Was this just some sort of big-sister little-sister relationship? She wasn't even that old! 

As you regrettably allowed Mercedes to heal you once again, you noticed the absence of Dimitri. A sly fox he was. He didn't even say 'goodbye' or assist poor Mercedes in this labour! 

"Dimitri left you to deal with me." You grumbled, staring at the space where he previously stood. "I'm sorry Mercedes. You're always doing this for me."

She didn't say anything for a while. "Is that why you didn't want me to heal you?" The kind heart did not return your look when asking the question, instead she firmed her grip on your arm. "You shouldn't worry about that, ___, I don't want anyone else to heal you."

"You don't?" It was a surprise, you couldn't lie. If you had to heal some girl every day you knew you'd be annoyed. 

Not if it was Mercie of course. What a fitting nickname too, since she was always at your mercy it seemed.

"No." She sighed lightly, her warm breath hitting your bare knee. "I think Dimirti knows why, that's why he left."

"You're worrying me now, Mercie. Is Dimitri making you heal me?"

"No! Really it's all me. I want you to be my responsibility. I want you to be mine." Another sigh, this time more heavy and saddened. "Although I know that won't happen. It is selfish of me to admit this when you're smitten with Lorenz."

Smitten? With Lorenz? Sure he was very charming and he didn't seem to oppose your social status compared to his when taking you out for tea and lunch breaks. But his stature, the fact that he was in a different house and the distance between you both on the outside was too much for you to fall harder for him than you already have for Mercedes. 

Wait. Was she actually confessing?

"Mercedes... are you confessing to me right now?" 

"Oh goddess, yes I am. The year is nearly over and I suppose the idea of going back home with you was too indulging. I'm so sorry, ___." Her head shook and the white magic dimmed. Your arm was now as good as new, with the exception of a small scar. "Please let me down easy."

You leaned towards her, taking her soft rounded chin into the balls of your hand so that you could finally get her to meet your desperate gaze. "Mercie I don't think you understand. I feel exactly the same for you. If not more."

"You mean..?" She snuggled into your hand as it cupped her dusted cheeks. 

"Yes, Mercedes. I love you." Free at last, the secret was out and how great it was that you weren't even the first to confess.

Her eyes softened, even more than before, and she took your hand in hers to help her off the cold stone floor beneath you both. The light from the fireplace danced warm shadows on her complexion, enhancing the very kissable cupids bow she had. 

"Oh I'm so happy I could sing! Annette will be thrilled, she's been begging me to tell you."

And there it was, the last reason you needed to kiss her plump lips which were coated in a honey lip-balm she made by hand. You should know, she made you one too.

"I love you too, ___. Call on me whenever to heal you, I am yours as you are now mine."


This was rather long, but when you get a good feeling in a story you can't really stop or it ruins it for you. I find Mercedes to be so sweet and cute, I'm glad I got to write this!

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