(y/nXm) .Lindhart.

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This was requested! (I'm sorry it took so long)

Cold and wet, the thin stoned path you glazed over almost tickled your bare feet. The professor, as well as class leader Edelgard, had set up camp for the next battle a few days prior and whilst exploring, you found this small path that lead to a lonely willow tree. 

Before scarpering off once more to escape Bernadetta's worries over fighting, Hubert and Ferdinand's bickering and Caspar's yelling, you decided that Dorothea telling you, albeit politely, you were beginning to smell was the deciding factor of changing your clothes in order to wash your uniform. So now you explored in the comfort of a loose pair of cream linin trousers, paired by a white flowing top that allowed for copious amounts of arm movement, unlike your skin tight uniform. 

As you ducked under a familiar fallen tree, you clutched a deep green book under your left arm, the corners of it digging in to your ribs with certain movements, but to let anyone get a hold of your diary would be the worst day on Earth. 


Because of your desperate wailing of your love for the lazy academic, Lindhart. Page after page would be (mostly) scribbles on how his green locks framed his pale complexion as he dosed off in the back of a reason class, or how his wonderful genius saved Caspar in a fight with some knights. Yet, despite having fancied the boy since the begging of the school year, you could not find one person that seemed to agree with your deep sentiments. 

Take Petra, for example. Her language barrier may make things hard to communicate, but her heart of gold made up for that time and time again. One morning, while you both perched on the stairs by the fishing pond eating breakfast, you decided to ask her opinion on Lindhart, if he could possibly have a 'special someone' in his life. 

"Lindhart?" As you continued to wade deeper into the woodlands, you recalled Petra's surprised look. "I do not think of him as one being devoted to love. Only research." She shook her head gently, taking her eyes away from you solemn look. "Lindhart is not yet a man...But that is how I see him, he would not be a man I seek." 

As you recalled the moment between yourself and your dear friend, you finally revealed yourself to the willow tree, padding over to curl up under it's low branches. 

"Oh. I didn't expect a visitor." A voice came from above, startling your calm state to almost battle mode. "Sorry!" It called again, a now small chuckle following. "I should know not to do that days before a battle." 

It was him. It was Lindhart. 

"Oh you've come to read." You now peered up to see him slinked between branches, "I'll leave you be." 

You remained silent for a few seconds, mouth agape. "No, no it's just my diary." You hummed, shaking your head as a leaf drooped onto it. "I was going to write, but that would be futile now."

Linhardt nodded in agreement. "Diaries are to be secret, I know." He seemed to have something on his mind, something more than a question on crests or logic. "I have a question." He perked up, his eyes gazing over the horizon of trees before him. 

You found yourself blinking in surprise, "You do? And you really think I'm the best person to go to?" Self deprecation wasn't something you usually went for when it came to trying to interact with the guy you had feelings for, but for some reason you always doubted why he'd come to you and not someone far more qualified.

Lindhart thought once more, nodding his head as affirmation of some sorts, green hair flopping by his sides. "I am certain you are the best individual I know to speak about this with." His navy eyes were wide with innocence, it was hard to believe this being is so intellectual. 

You motioned with your hand for him to begin his question, he paused, cleared his throat before continuing. "I've never had many friends, apart from Caspar of course, especially not one like you." 

He thought of you as a friend? Your heart burned and swelled at the same time, was this pain or flattery you were feeling?

"We talk often, and I help you study. I originally thought of it as a tedious task set by Edelgard, but I now feel a sense of excitement when it comes to our Tuesday study sessions." The pale male held a breath, as if to choose his next words wisely. "I hope you are as fond of me as I am of you. However, I must ask, do you believe we are very close friends...or perhaps I am feeling something more? Something I have yet to read about."

Your heart was in your mouth, stomach rolling about like Caspar's training sessions. "What exactly is that?" Playing dumb seemed to be the only thing you could muster right this moment. luckily enough, Lindhardt didn't seem to have the social inteligence to pick up on such falsehood. 

"I am unsure if what I feel is...platonic...or love." His head dipped so he could atone to your shocked expression. "Ah, it appears you do not share the same sentiments." The latter words had a lower tone, a sad tone. He was disappointed. 

"No!" You sat up-right, diary clutched to your chest. "I-I understand." 

"You do?"

"I do. I feel the same way about you. However, mine is...love. I am sure of it."

There was a silence between you. Nature being the only filler for this broken conversation. 

"It is love." Lindhardt concluded with a nod. "The burning in my chest, it is what Dorothea told me about. I love you (Y/N)" His eyes glistened, no longer appearing sleep deprived no more. 

"I love you too, Lindhardt."


This took far too long to write, I had to do some exams and work over the summer but I'm free now!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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