(FxM) .Ashe.

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Books upon books blocked your vision as you stumbled into the Blue Lion classroom, the Professor being late again due to lack of sleep, so instead Dimitri was showing off his new sword collection to a highly jealous Felix. 

"Ah lovely lady, can I help you?" Sylvain never failed to flirt and tease you, despite telling him over and over that he was not your type. "I assume these are for your desk, hm?" He took a load off your pile and waltzed to the desk at the front, dropping the books heavily next to your chalice of water. 

"You didn't even let me finish." Plopping the rest down, you scanned your notes the Professor left you on the essay you wrote about tactics. "Not bad." You mused, flipping the sheet over and showing the red-head your '96%' score. 

"Yeah. Well..." Sylvain paused, not being good at tactics he envied your clear knack for the subject, "I got more on my Horse theory." He puffed his chest, eyes flicking down to a small envelope that fell from a book you picked up, "What's that?"

You tilted your head to see what he was looking at, a small envelope, barely sealed, lay on your table, the black ink looked fresh and the handwriting was scribbled. "Not sure." Taking it with your free hand, you flipped open the envelope and took the letter within your fingers.

It read as such:

' Sweet ____,

You're a flower in bloom so picking you would be cruel, but I feel I have no choice- my feelings for you have grew. I adore your smile, how you tie a hairband around your wrist but never use it, how you're clumsy in the morning but graceful in the night. And you're strong, oh so strong, far stronger than I. In battle I see you striding with Dimitri and the Professor- while I am a mere archer in the back. 

Another reason why I should not pick you, my flower. 

But then, when I think of my immense disadvantage in courting you, I imagine the life we would have after the monastery. I am no rich man, nor am I chivalrous; but I can cook, love and read you all of the stories you wish- just like I do when you ask me to. During them times you felt so low.

If your heart is set on another, I will let you bloom, but if you choose to love me- I will love you too.


You blinked. There were blotches of ink all over the paper, a clear sign that it was well thought out, but even still you were ever so confused on how wonderful Ashe could love you. 

"A love letter?" Sylvain hummed, taking the empty envelope from your hand and scrunching his nose up at the heart seal.  "Well? Who from?" There was no malice, jealousy or pettiness in his words, just simple curiosity and eagerness; almost as if flirting with you was a mere hobby of his. 

"Ashe." You whispered the words, quickly darting your eyes around the stone classroom like scattered marbles. Each student now sat at their desks either reading or talking to the person next to them. Ashe had himself buried in a book on famous knights, with Ingrid reading it too over his petite uniformed shoulder, his silvery hair appeared to be a light blue in the firelight as it flicked to the sides, a concept you knew he disliked about himself. 

"Wow. He actually did it." Sylvain took his seat before you, leaning back into the chair, "I vaguely remember him asking me on how to confess his feelings, but I was busy, I threw the idea of a love letter at him without a thought." His brows furrowed as he limply dropped the empty envelope back onto your desk. "I feel bad."

"Don't." You smiled at the scribbled words before you, not looking at the dishevelled red head below you. "I love it, it's great." 

"Wait. So you feel the same?" He sprung up like a kangaroo, no sad puppy-dog eyes no more as he scattered around your desk for a spare piece of paper before handing it to you forcefully, "Tell him yes. Come on!" Sylvain lightly hammered an open palm on the wooden desk to encourage you. If anything, he was more of a matchmaker than a flirt.

It worked though. You confessed yourself, telling Ashe you loved him too and how happy he had made you feel during your time at the monetary. Sylvain being the carrier pigeon, dropped the scruffy ripped piece of paper onto Ashe's desk with a slick smirk heading your way as the youthful boy held his mouth agape at your shared feelings. 


Not my finest piece of work, I also wrote this ages ago and never posted it bc I forgot this even existed. 

Hopefully I can make more though :))

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