(FxM) .Claude.

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"Hmm and why could ___ be up so late?" You jumped from the voice coming from the door of the dark library. Who was that? "Ah seems I've scared you, but really- whatcha dooin'?" Claude took a candle and raised it to his face.

"Oh Claude!" You scolded, dropping the book you were so engrossed in onto the table. "Stop doing that!" You huffed, leaning back into the chair, watching the laughing teen come closer, his grin was a sight each person had to see in their lifetime.

"I don't mean it, honest." He piped down the laughter, pulling the chair opposite you out from the table, perching himself on the end of it. "May I?" He motioned at your book.

"Sure." You sighed, letting Claude read the last page you were on.

"Ah, you were struggling on this in class the other day, weren't you?" He put it down, "Have you got the hang of it now?" The fire from the candle danced attractive shadows on his tanned face, his green eyes eagerly were awaiting a response.

You smiled, Claude seemed to notice everything. "Nearly." You lied, "I just can't get my head around the tactics." Knowing full well Claude was spectacular at that stuff. In actual fact you had finished on tactics, but spending time with the guy wouldn't hurt.

Claude's eyes lit up at the chance to help you, "Luckily that's my specialty!"

For half an hour he helped, explaining everything you had already read in the book- but you went along, nodding and trying too hard not to stare at his perfect face. The two of you being there alone made you anxious that at some point, he'd be able to physically hear your heart beating hard against the shield of your ribcage.

"Uh, ___? It's quite rude to stare, you know." Claude looked up from the book, his deep emerald eyes locking with your shocked ones.

"O-oh. You have something on your cheek." Another lie, but it was a passable one.

"I do?" Claude's eyes widened, "Get it off then!" He leaned in over the book, face waiting for your hand to brush off what was 'there'.

"O-okay." You gently brushed his cheek with your hand, leaning in also- you two were rather close now and that's all you were focused on, in fact you didn't take into account that your hand remained on his face longer than it needed to have.

"Gone?" He quizzed, looking up at your face for a reply, you were acting weird tonight and Claude knew it wasn't lack-of-sleep.

"Yeah." It came out quieter like a mouse, even though you told him it had gone, Claude stayed in that position- his face close but below your own, eyes eyeing you up.

"I never noticed how large your eyes were." He mumbled, tilting his head ever so slightly, his face unreadable. "So much I have still yet to figure out about you." 

"What do you mean?" You copied his actions, tilting your own head and letting your hair dangle across your face, framing it perfectly.

"For a while now, I've been examining you. I know your habits, weaknesses and strengths, but your motive. It's unclear to me."

"My motive? Do I need to have one?" You blinked, was he just tired or something?

"Everyone has a motive, ___. Even me." He propped his arms onto the table now, letting his head rest on the palm of his hand, still remaining close. "How Lorenz wishes to grow stronger to prove himself as a better leader than me. That sorta thing."

"Well, I suppose mine would be to protect those I love. A common nightmare of mine is losing a loved one." You pondered out loud, you loved many; Family, friends, the animals at the monastery...Claude.

"Loved ones, eh?" He chuckled, "Who would be so lucky to have you love them?" He took it the wrong way, thinking you had someone particular in mind- a guy or girl perhaps that bested him at winning your heart.

He had been trying so hard though! Had all his attempts to catch your eye been for waste?

"Oh! No, not like that! Not to say I don't love anyone- but I don't...have anyone. Does that make sense?" You said it all so fast Claude took a while to respond, the gears in his brain trying to translate what you just said.

"So, you love someone but you're single?" He concluded, praying you loved him as much as he loved you.

"Yeah! Wait- you sneak!" Claude just got you to admit to having feelings for someone, luckily he didn't know who- but still.

"Ha! Fess up, ___." Claude taunted, prodding your nose with the feather of his quill.

"No way, Claude." You shook your head, as if you were going to just tell him you loved him. Not Claude, knowing him- he probably hadn't even thought of that sort of thing properly. The aimless flirting gave it away.

"Damn, so close." He sniggered, "Bet I could guess though."

"Go for it." You smirked back, everything about your body language screamed 'It's you!' and yet the tactical genius didn't read the room.


"As if." (Sorry pal.)




"N o."

"Ignatz?" Claude raised an eyebrow, he didn't think you'd go for someone like him, but if not then he would have to move to another house- the thought of him losing you to Hubert or Ferdinand made him internally die.

"Wrong again~." You sang.

Claude paused, there was only him left in the Golden deer, did you love him? Despite him being so secretive, different and one of the biggest outcasts in this place? Should he ask? He dreaded the thought of hearing you decline, but what if you didn't?

"Me?" He swallowed, your eyes were intensely burning into each other with apprehension.

You stayed silent, your breathing getting heavier and the blood began to rush to your cheeks.

"___?" Claude's mouth lay agape in awe, were you serious? "Do you love me?"

You nodded, "Yes."

"I love you too." He grinned, "And to think! I was starting to think you fell for Ferdinand or something."

"No, just you Claude." You leaned and kissed his smooth cheek, it was all you could manage to do.

"There was nothing on my cheek, was there?" He blushed, catching you in a web.

"Nope." You giggled, closing the book.


C U T E  :p

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