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You didn't know how much time had passed. For all you knew, it could've been days since you'd been stuck in there. There was no way of telling what time it was. No windows in sight, no phone, no nothing. And the lights softly flickered from above you.

The room was white with only the cabinet-closet in the corner and the pole that your hands were chained around. Your knees ached from sitting on them.

You had no change of clothes. They were dirty too. Stains from who knows what were all over your bottoms. Your skin felt sticky with sweat. Overall, you felt disgusted.

Saiki had left you with so many unanswered questions. You were too scared to even (at least try to) shout for help, as the image of those many harmful items that were a few steps away from you stayed clear in your head. Still, you had no idea of where this boy had taken you.

Finally, footsteps getting closer to the door had startled you out of your thoughts. With the little power you had left in you, you dragged your knees backwards, stopping when you felt the coldness of the bar behind you.

When the door opened, Saiki (obviously) was the one to appear. He looked down at your powerless body and smirked, walking closer and once again stroking your cheek carefully. You hated it, but he treated you like fragile glass.

He didn't (and couldn't) miss the saliva that was dripping down slowly off of your face. But he knew that was the gags' fault. Saiki thought someone like you could never be so careless. He found it cute, the way you didn't dare move at all.

Though he knew you were terribly scared...? Maybe angry? He could practically hear your heart beating out of your chest. But no worries, you'll feel comfortable soon. I'll make sure of it.

You start feeling more confident when he reaches behind your head and begins to untie the knot that keeps the piece of cloth in your mouth. As soon as you notice that he's not paying attention to you, your head slings forward with strength.

You start feeling woozy, forehead throbbing in pain. But it seems to not affect Saiki in the way you thought it would... at all. In fact, he looks angry instead of hurt. You fooled yourself, he thinks. Because now, you're the one with a headache and a bruise forming on your head. It's okay though. He'll help you get better.

He turns to the small kit in the closet and pulls out medicines to help the bump go away and the purple to clear into your normal skin. Saiki knows he could fix it with his powers, but he doesn't want to show them. At least not yet.

The boy is surprised when you talk suddenly. "Again, why am I here? What are you doing to me a-and... what're your intentions?!"

You're left dumbfounded as he just shakes his head and puts the final bandage on a small cut. Rapidly he puts the gag around you again and leaves. This time it isn't wrapped so that you can't speak, it's just dangling from your neck. Also, the door is left open, and you realize he'll be coming back in a second.

When he does, he has a water bottle in his hand. Since your hands are tied behind you, he brings it up to your lips. That's when you realize how thirsty you are. You gulp it down, not noticing the way Saiki's eyes widen a bit at how you're not choking. It gets him turned on a little. Just a little.

"Can I at least shower?" you ask while he closes the bottle. He thinks a little. When should I let her wander around the place? No one is here, no one knows this place exists. There's a fence around the small house, she can't touch it or else she'll get electrocuted. But what if she finds a way out? No, how would she? And I can't read her mind either. I don't know what she could be planning...

"Are people looking for me?"

That question catches his attention. His head shoots down to look at you. Saiki begins to realize that you don't even know how much time has passed. Well, it's been one day since you've gone missing. Everyone is worried sick for you.

But no one has even thought about blaming it on him. Not even Akechi. So your parents really did start trusting him. They don't know he's the one keeping you away. He'll still go to school, or they'd find out completely.

To answer your question, he just doesn't. All he does is smile and let out a breath. He's barely began his attack on PK. Everything he's planning is for you. Just for you.


so sorry for the short chapter. but thank you all so much 20K reads <3

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