Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Analia’s POV

Thankfully, since Lyra’s parents had talked to the school when I arrived last night, they made sure I was in all of her classes.

I am naturally good at all of my subjects, except one. Math. Well, I do well in Algebra, it is Geometry. I couldn’t draw to save my life.

Each class after break, I thought only of him. Nolan. He has not been in any of my classes; I have two more left before the day ends.

Each class, passes in blurs. I was just in English and now I head to math. I sigh slightly when I see that Nolan is not in my math class, not that he should be, and it would be distracting.

This class however did not pass in blurs. The whole hour, I am forced to do geometry. I am so caught up in my work, I didn’t hear the teacher.  “Ms. Analia?”  asks Mr. Hedrick.

“Yes,” I reply. I could feel my face going red and sweat starting to form at my brow. Suddenly, I realized everything. My hair wasn’t thoroughly brushed. My uniform hadn’t been ironed. I hear whispers. I cannot make words, but they are all about me.

“The answer…for number 9.” Mr. Hedrick says. Oh, thank goodness, I couldn’t get punished on the first day. The teachers would talk about me and I would get a bad reputation. Not when I am studious.

I quickly glance down and read off my answer. I got it right! Now only, if I were that good for all of Geometry.

 I have History now. The last subject. I pray that Nolan will be in my class. I know, obsessive for someone I’ve only said hello to.

I walk in and I don’t see him. I sulk and walk to the desk that was assigned to me. Lyra seems happy and is sitting to my left and to the right, the desk was empty. I wonder if anyone sits there. I bet the person is just absent or ditching. Since this is a boarding school, no one’s parents are around to tell them off.

To prove my point, my teacher starts the lesson. I sit here trying to look excited. History was my favorite subject! We were studying the Holocaust. As I start to write my notes, he comes in. Nolan.

“Sorry I’m late Mom.” he says. She nods, but has a look that they will speak of this later.

His face goes bright red; it’s so cute I have to practically stop myself from drooling. I watch him stumble closer and closer to my row. My eyes twinkle in delight when I realize he is going to sit next to me.

He caught me looking at him, damn! He just smiles and tumbles into his chair. God, he is hot!

Mrs. Daniels tells us how we are going to work on a project; we have to write an essay on the Holocaust. She divides us into groups by our rows, 4 in each group.

My head goes dizzy after she mentions that, this means I will work with Nolan, Lyra and someone named Alexander. That seems to please Nolan, so I am enthusiastic.

“Alexander this is Analia.” Lyra introduces me. It seems that Lyra and Alexander are also friends, not as close as Nolan and Alexander, but definitely friends.

“Hi Analia!” Alexander says happily. This causes me to blush, though I don’t know why, it seems to make Nolan slightly agitated.  Alexander is cute; he has green eyes and curly blonde hair, though not as cute as Nolan.

“Ok, guys lets get back to work.” Nolan interrupts. He almost sounds angry. Though that string of anger disappears as soon we start talking about the essay; he must not like people who don’t do their work. I could understand, at my old school I couldn’t work with other people because of that.

I found out that Nolan doesn’t board because his mom teaches here. Nolan is Greek but his mother moved here before he was born. After everyone got to know everyone a little, we make plans to work on the essay.

We’re going to go to the field and work at one of the tables after school.

“Oh, Analia!” Nolan says. “Here is my number, so we can arrange school work, or if you just have questions.”

As I feel my cheeks turn a scarlet tone, he smiles and runs to his mother. Leaving me there, speechless and smiling.

Who knew a ripped piece of paper with a range of numbers and smiley face could make my heat beat this fast.


Yay!!!! 3rd chappie is done!!! :D I am so excited! This Chappie is dedicated to asherceleste!!!! I know, nothing major happened here, but it took a long time to write!!! I want so much to happen!!!! AHHH!!!! I make myself wait!! I promise, next chapter is gonna be Nolan!! :D anyway byeeee

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