Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Nolan’s POV

It’s not possible, it is not possible. I am trying to keep calm. I am cutting class, something that has never been done. I know I’ll hear it from my mother later.

I am only 16; this isn’t supposed to happen for another 2 years! I run my fingers through my hair.

I have already cut 2 of my classes, I need to head back. The next class I have is History. Wait, History? Last week my mother told me that I would have the new student. My heart beats quickly. I am try to sprint to class, but I can’t this girl has me wobbly at the knees.

I walk into class and the whole class stares at me. Analia turns her head and looks at me. My face goes bright red; damn that girl could make my face burn harder than the sun.

“Sorry I’m late Mom.” I say. I start to walk towards my seat when I notice that Analia is sitting next to me. I smile and stupidly walk down to my seat. I probably looked like a gangster with a mega limp in my right leg.

Once I am at my seat, I see her looking at me. I see her face go scarlet. Scarlet is a good color on her; I smile at her and she snaps her head to my mother.

I have a hard time focusing when she is around…or not. She has been on my mind; I just simply cannot get her off my heart.

            Luckily, I knew exactly what my mom is saying. It is about the Holocaust, we have to write an essay; our partners would be the 4 in a row.

            Wait that would mean Analia would be in my group! My heart is running a million miles an hour.

            As we set off into our groups, I realize that Analia has never met Alexander.

            “Alexander this is Analia.” Lyra says. I watch Analia to see if she is welcoming him. Analia is a very nice person, which I know.

            “Hi Analia!” Alexander says excitedly. Suddenly, Analia’s face goes red. This causes my blood to boil. Alexander is my best friend, and he is making a move on her, bloody hell he isn’t.

            “Ok, guys lets get back to work.” I interrupted. I hope that Analia doesn’t realize that I am so angry. Thankfully, everyone is co-operative and we work out a plan.

            While doing this, we get to know each other better. I am listening to everyone, but none of them mattered except Analia. She use to live with her Grandparents, but they died so she moved with her cousin Lyra and is now attending our school. I try to pry information about her parents our, politely but I don’t get an answer.

            The bell rings and I tear a piece of paper out of my notebook and scribble down my number and add a smiley face. Just as Analia is leaving I give her the paper.

             “Oh, Analia!” I say. “Here is my number, so we can arrange school work, or if you just have questions.”

            I watch her face flush deep violet; then I turn around and walk over to my mother. She looks at me and sighs; she tosses the car keys to me.

            I arrive at the car and toss my bag in the back; quickly I claim the passenger seat, unwillingly letting my sister sit there.

            Aerial comes and hops into the backseat mumbling something. I don’t see why she is angry at me, sure her hair is a bit tousled but if someone loves her, they won’t care what her hair looks like.

            My mom walks over looking frustrated. She sits in and drives out of the school parking lot.

            “Nolan, I cannot believe you cut 2 classes today! Not to mention being late to my class as well! I cannot believe…” she rambles on. I need to tell her.

            “Mom, I’ve found my mate.” I barely whisper. She looks at me, stunned.

            “What? Nolan, honey? You only find your mate at 18 you’re just 16! Barely old enough to shift.” She states.

            “I know, but she is the one. I don’t know how to explain it but, I just know.” I say. I know my older sister has overheard my mother and my conversation. Her face goes from anger to pure delight.

            “Ok honey,” my mother whispers. I watch a tear fall slowly down from her cheek. “You’re growing up so fast.” Then it comes down in sobs. I didn’t think this would happen, my heart cripples in pain watching my mother.

            Soon, we’re home and as soon as I’m out of the car my sister comes and pulls me into a hug. My sister and I make up; and we head up to my room. She asks me to describe Analia.

            “Analia is perfect; she has deep blue eyes and curly blonde hair. She is tall but not too tall, the most amazing height…” I ramble on and on.

            My sister congratulates me and excuses herself so she can go do her homework. I let her go, saying I also have work.

            I start my work math, geography, Greek and history. I save English for last. I realize, if I had never met Analia I would have never been able to write this…

            Love is like a tree. A father, plants her down into the earth. He loves and cares for her, until one day other people began to water her. Some are forgetful and forget her water, leaving her lonely and thirsty. Others leave hurtful scars up her bark, things that she will never forget. New people, climb up her limbs and place a foundation on her heart, a tree house. But, after a while it is abandoned and she is left her all alone, on the verge of dying. Suddenly, he comes and gives her nourishment, kisses her scars, dusts the tree house and tends for the apples. He who loves her.

            With my heart beating fast, I thought of her the whole time I wrote this. Analia.  

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yay!!! Chapter 4 is finally complete, I promise, more will happen soon!!! But guess what?!?!? Nolan is a werewolf!!!! We didn't see that coming did we now? Anyway, thanks for reading lovelies

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