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So this one shot is about Mac and Riley becoming parents. It's gonna be in Riley's POV. This was one of the biggest ideas I had when I started this collection of one shots. I just wanted to make sure I knew how I wanted to do the plot line. I hope it worked out. Also please ask more questions. I still only have one question for the QNA and I'm really bad at thinking of "get to know me" type of questions. You can ask more than one question I just need them by tonight so I can answer them. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one shot.

Positive. That's what the test in front of me says. I can't seem to take my eyes off of it. I'm somewhere between absolutely terrified and happy. Mac and I have been married for 2 years, after 4 years of dating, and we had always talked about maybe wanting kids in the future. We had both made a promise that we would be there for our kids because both of our dads weren't around much when we were younger. My eyes are really close to releasing the tears I'm trying to hold in. I know he won't be mad, he'll probably be extremely happy, but I'm utterly terrified of this. I don't like hospitals much because in our line of work that's somewhere you don't wanna end up. I also have a really bad fear of needles. I actually feel sick to my stomach when I think about them. A text from Matty brings me out of my thoughts. She needs us in the war room of course. "Riles? Did you get the message?" Mac asks knocking on the door of the bathroom. "Yea I'll be out in a minute." I say wiping a stray tear away. I check my makeup and make sure it's not messed up then I stuff the test into one of the drawers of the cabinet in our bathroom. I walk out and Mac puts an arm around me while kissing the top of my head. "You okay?" He asks. "Yea." I say smiling.

The whole way to the Phoenix I was silent not able to take my mind off the positive test. At one point Mac looks at me trying to figure out what's up. When we pull into the parking lot he looks at me. "Are we gonna go in or are you wanting to stay out here till Matty drags us in by our hair?" I ask sarcastically. "We'll go in as soon as you tell me what's up with you." He says staring me in the eyes. "Mac, it's nothing okay? We can talk about this after the mission." I say. He sighs then nods. Great now I just have to hope the new mission isn't too dangerous. We walk in and Matty tells us about the op. "Blondie you and Riley will be going in as a couple to this party where the host is going to be selling a chemical weapon. Your job is to keep an eye on the host and don't let him out of your sight. The party is invitation only but we have that fixed. Are we clear on the mission?" Matty says. I look at Mac and we both nod. "Good wheels up in 10." We go get our stuff ready and head to the jet.

The party is in South Dakota so we have to take a good flight. About 3 hours or so. Since Mac and I were sent as the only field agents he hasn't taken eyes off of me. "I'm gonna take a nap." I say. In truth I'm not exhausted but I haven't been sleeping well so I should be able to fall asleep. "Okay. But before you sleep I gotta ask, did I do something to make you not wanna talk?" Mac asks looking concerned. Technically yes he did have a part in why I don't wanna talk. If it hadn't have been for him I wouldn't have had a positive test but also he didn't do anything to make me not wanna talk about it. "No it wasn't anything you did." I say. He just nods and I fall asleep easily. When we land Mac and I quickly change and head to the party. "Coms check. Matty do you copy?" Mac says. "I copy Mac." Matty says. "Okay. Shall we?" He asks taking my hand. I smile and we head inside. We get through security and start looking for the host. "I got him." I say spotting a guy probably close to mid forties in a black tux. "Okay don't lose him." Matty says. "You got it." I say carefully keeping watch. Mac stays close so our cover won't get blown.

After about an hour the host meets up with another guy. He shakes his hand and both men start heading down a hallway. "Hey Boze can you cut security cams to the west wing?" I ask. "Yea you got it." He says. Mac and I carefully follow the host. His security isn't an issue. Apparently this guy relies on only security cameras so cutting the cameras will give us the time we need to get the two men in custody and confiscate the chemical weapon. Once the two men turn a corner Mac and I speed up a bit so we don't lose them. Let me just say it's not easy to walk fast in heals much less run. Not to mention they are killing my feet. The host and the buyer enter a room and before we go inside I take my heels off. "They'd be more helpful off my feet than on them right now." I whisper when Mac gives me a questioning look. He just nods and we pick the lock. When we get inside Mac takes the host and I take the buyer. Once we have them both knocked out and the chemical weapon in our possession we start part b of our "plan". Let's be real we were improvising the whole thing. Luckily we are still on the first floor so we open the window and start moving our new "friends" out. Mac gets the car and once we have both our "friends" and the virus we head to exfil.

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