Set Up

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So this one shot is in a general POV. This is a Macriley one shot but that's all I'm gonna tell you. I thought of this idea a while ago and never wrote it cause I wanted to kinda plan it out. Anyway I hope you like it!

Riley starts getting ready after reading a message from Matty telling them to get to the Phoenix ASAP. If she was being completely honest with herself she had started despising work lately. Not because she didn't like her job. She loved hacking, it gave her a way to use her skills for good. She just hates having to be around the guy she loves, who can also read her like a book. Murdoc told everyone about her feelings but she told Mac she pushed the feelings away. However that is not true. Yes, she is trying everything she can think of to get over him, but she is still falling and everyday it gets worse and worse. She's pretty sure everyone but Mac knows that by now. Riley and Mac have been pretty distant towards each other lately. They still talked but it wasn't their usually light-hearted conversations. It was almost always about work. As Riley grabs her keys she takes a deep breath making an internal promise not to do anything dumb. This had become a daily routine ever since Murdoc revealed her feelings.

When Mac received Matty's message he got up and quickly showered before getting ready. He had also started to slightly despise work. When Murdoc first revealed Riley's feelings it confused Mac. He had broken up with Desi over a month ago because he knew deep down he felt the same why Riley did and that wasn't fair to Desi. Desi and Mac had agreed to be friends and it was actually pretty good. They got along much better as friends. However Mac still felt pain because Riley said she was over her feelings. Mac can usually read Riley pretty well but when it comes to love he was pretty useless. When he had asked Riley if she still had feelings he had a spark of hope that maybe they could finally be more than friends. He had watched Riley hesitate then tell him she had gotten over it. That's the moment his heart broke. Since then he and Riley have been kinda avoiding each other. Neither can remember exactly how or when the drift apart had happened but it was some time after he asked her about her feelings. As Mac grabbed his keys he looked at a picture of him and Riley that had been taken by Bozer. He had always thought there was a wall between them that wouldn't allow them to be more than friends, but it turns out he had missed his shot and now that door was closed. He sighs and heads to the Phoenix.

When Riley arrived into the war room it was only her and Bozer. He said Matty had gone to talk to one of the techs real quick. A few minutes later she hears the door open and turns around expecting to see Matty but instead sees the one person she can't stop falling for. She quickly turns away as she sees Mac. Bozer slightly raises his eyebrows. These two were avoiding each other because neither one was willing to talk about how they really feel. He shakes his head with a tiny smile. These two were idiots when it came to love. Although he couldn't really blame them, I mean they were falling in love with their best friends. Mac notices that Riley won't look at him. Riley had started ignoring him more and more to the point where they only talked to each other if necessary. It hurt a little knowing she was avoiding him but maybe it was for the best. After all he needed to get over his now growing feelings toward her.

After a couple of minutes Riley finally decides to break the tension in the room with a question. "Okay seriously where is Matty?" She asks a little frustrated. "I don't know I'm gonna go find her. Be right back." Bozer says heading out of the war room. Riley silently curses him for leaving her alone with Mac. They sit in awkward silence for a few minutes. "So um... how's your apartment?" Mac asks. Internally he asks himself why he was asking her about the apartment she's been living in for close to a year now. "Uh... good. I mean as good as it can be." Riley says keeping her eyes on her computer. After a few more minutes of awkward silence Riley speaks what they are both thinking. "Okay that's it. I'm going to find them." She says heading towards the door. Suddenly the windows go foggy and the door locks. Riley tries opening it but it's no use. "What the- why is this happening?" Riley asks confused. She walks back over to her computer and tries to check the system. Matty had put war room on lock down but why? Suddenly she appeared on screen with Bozer standing next to her. "Matty what is going on?" Mac asks worried. "You two need to figure out this mess that's between the two of you. You're pushing each other away and I can't send you on missions if you can't talk without tension. You two are usually great at communication but lately it's been the one thing your missing. You both need to talk about the thing you don't want to and once you resolve it we'll let you out." Matty says. "Matty please don't do this." Riley says. "I'm sorry Riley but you two need to talk about this sooner or later or it could cost you both your lives." Matty says showing a little sympathy to Riley. "But Matty-" Riley starts. But before she can finish Matty ends the call. Riley looks down to the ground not able to look at Mac. "This isn't gonna be easy but..... Matty is right....... we can't avoid the conversation forever." Mac says. Riley just nods and they sit in chairs next to each other. "So..... I guess I'll start." Mac says. "When Murdoc revealed your feelings I was confused. After a few days of processing it I realized that I had a possibility of something I always thought was impossible. I decided to break up with Desi because I knew I could never love her the way I loved you. When I asked you if you managed to get rid of your feelings I thought you were gonna say no but I was wrong. You may be over your feelings but I can't get over mine..." Mac says sadly. "Mac, I haven't been honest with you. I lied to you...." Riley says hesitantly. "You lied how?" Mac asks getting a small hope. Riley looked away and Mac could tell she has holding back tears. "Riles, you know you can tell me anything." Mac says making her look at him. He could see the tears forming in her eyes. She blinked a few times trying to hold them in. After a few seconds she takes a deep breath and mentally prepares herself to tell him. "I never got over my feelings... I tried.... so hard..... but nothing worked." She said. Tears started slowly falling and Mac couldn't help but smile a little. "Really?" He asks a little shocked. Riley just nods. Mac gently wipes the tears off her face and they stare at each other. They start moving forward and they foreheads meet. "I love you Riles." Mac says. "I love you too Mac." Riley says. After a few seconds their lips meet and both feel like fireworks are going off in the background. Which, considering this was set up by Matty and Bozer, is very possible. They pull away when neither one can breath. They smile at each other and Mac pulls Riley into one of their signature hugs. They relax in each other's arms and the door unlocks. Matty and Bozer walk through and smile. "Was that so hard?" Bozer asks. They all laugh. "Ok but seriously do we have a mission or not?" Riley asks. "We have one in the works but nothing that you will be doing today." Matty says. "I talked Matty into this whole plan after our last mission. You two haven't been talking at all lately and I had a sneaking suspicion it was because you were both too scared you would say something about your feelings. So we set this up." Bozer says. Matty nods smiling. "Thank you. Boze you always know what I need." Riley says "Yea seriously. I don't think we'd be talking to each other anytime soon if it hadn't been for you two." Mac says smiling a little awkwardly. "No problem Blondie." Matty says.

As they were walking out Mac ran to catch up to Riley. "Riles!" Mac calls. Hearing her name she turns around and smiles when she sees Mac walking towards her. "What's up Mac?" She asks. "I never officially asked you.... do you wanna go on a date sometime?" Mac asks. "Sure. Tell me a time and place and I'll be there." Riley says smiling. "How about tonight. We could do pizza and skeeball?" Mac says. "I'd love that. Meet at 6?" Riley asks smiling. "You got it!" Mac says walking back to his truck. As Riley headed back to her apartment all she could think about was Mac. Somehow she could still smell him, feel his skin brush against hers, and she could still here his voice. Similar scenarios were going through Mac's mind. No matter how hard either tried they couldn't stop thinking about each other. Granted this isn't new but the senses that they can feel gave both of them an overwhelming amount of happiness.

When 6 finally rolled around Riley was more than ready to go on a real date with Mac. When she got there she saw Mac waiting for her. "Hey, Riles." Mac says. That nickname still makes Riley's heart race and now Mac notices. "I'm really gonna have to think of a nickname for you that'll do what that one does to me." Riley says teasingly. "Well good luck. I've been called lots of things so finding a nickname will be difficult." Mac says smiling. They both laugh as they walk into the one place they both loved and had fun. Well beside Mac's house. His house would always be home to everyone who worked at the Phoenix. They play a few rounds of skeeball and Riley is beating Mac by a lot. "How are you so good at this? I've tried doing the math and I'm still loosing?!" Mac asks laughing. "It's all in the wrist." Riley says smiling. They both laugh and Riley turns around. Suddenly Riley was hit in the face with a ball from one of the machines behind them. It hit her on the side of her head by her ear. Mac looks at Riley as she holds a hand where the ball hit her. A girl probably about 10 years old came over apologizing. "I'm sorry my dad and I were playing skeeball and when I went to swing my arm backwards to gain momentum the ball slipped from my hand..." the girl says. Riley could tell the girl was trying not to cry because she felt bad for hitting her. "It's okay I'll be fine." Riley says smiling as much as she can. Mac can tell Riley's trying really hard to fight off the tears from how bad it actually hurt. The girl gave Riley a hug and returned to her dad. "You okay?" Mac asks knowing the answer. Riley shakes her head as a single tear escapes. "Can we just go back to your house?" Riley asks. Mac nods.

When they get to his house Mac gets an ice pack for Riley and they start the fire pit. "Mac can I tell you something?" Riley says. "Of course Riles." Mac says moving to put his arm around her. "That girl reminded me of Jack and I. There was one time where the same thing happened to me except the guy I accidentally hit wasn't understanding. He yelled at me saying that I was a horrible little kid with no coordination. Then when Jack came over to defend me he told Jack...." Riley stopped cause tears started falling as the memory came rushing back. "He told Jack what?" Mac asked wanting to help her. "He told him he was a bad father and that I was probably a mistake." Riley says breaking down in tears. Mac instinctively pulls her in for a hug and holds her till she stops crying. "Riley. That guy was so wrong. You were not a mistake or bad child. Every kid makes mistakes because that's how we learn. And you and I both know Jack wasn't a bad father. Okay?" Mac asks as she calms down. She pulls away to look at him and nods. "I love you Riley and everyone who knows the real you knows how lucky they are to have you in their life." Mac says. "I love you too Mac." Riley says. She kisses him and they cuddle up next to the fire sharing stories from their childhoods.

Hey guys so sorry I haven't been writing as much. I've been really busy with school and I still am. I'm trying to write as much as I can in my free time but obviously it's been tough. Hopefully my next one shot will be out by next week at the latest. I already have a plot line in my head that is based off the press release for 5x15 so that will be the next one shot I upload. I hope you guys liked this one shot and please let me know if you have any ideas for future stories. #savemacgyver

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