So what did I miss? Part 2

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Some of you asked for a part 2 so here it is. I just got back from exams and vacation so hopefully my updating will be a little more regular over the summer. I'm still plotting for my season 6 but as soon as I have a release date I'll let you guys know. I have a three way cross over episode planned that I'm excited about. (Sorry but it's not a magnum pi crossover. I haven't watched the show so to write about it would be really hard.) Anyway this starts where we left off. I hope you like it!

It had been maybe 20 minutes since Jack left when Mac heard his girlfriend open the door. She didn't say a word as she walked outside and sat next to him. "Desi we need to talk." Mac says. "Okay I'm listening." Desi says. Mac looks at her and he can tell she is still not okay from earlier. "Look I think it's time we both face the truth. We aren't good for each other. Every stable relationship, no matter what level, should start with a solid friendship. We skipped that step and tried to force ourselves to be something we couldn't be. I think it would be beneficial for both of us if we break up, for good." Mac says anxious about how she would react. "Why don't you just say what you really mean? You want to be with Riley and to do that you have to break up with me." Desi says. "Desi this has nothing to do with Riley. Yes I do want to be more than her friend but the reason I'm breaking up with you is because we are beyond toxic. We don't have full trust in each other and we are nonstop arguing. What we have isn't healthy." Mac says defensively. He hated how Desi assumed the break up was because of Riley. Yes he wanted to be more than a friend of Riley but that wasn't the sole reason for the break up. Desi gives him one of the darkest looks he had ever seen in his life. "Fine. Have it your way." Desi says clearly furious. "You can stay here tonight. I'll find someplace to stay." Mac says. Desi just walks towards the edge of the deck in annoyance.

Mac had packed a duffel bag of clothes and other essentials and currently was standing outside Jack's apartment. It wasn't till he got upstairs that he realized Jack was asleep. He had already knocked 3 times and there was no noise from inside. He couldn't bring himself to knock again and wake his old friend. He got back in his truck and drove. He wasn't sure where he was going till he found himself outside of Riley's apartment. Thankfully he could hear her playing music and dancing around. He knocked and heard the music pause. When Riley opened the door the look on her face said it all. "This feels like deja vu." She says opening the door. "Desi and I broke up. I tried going to Jack's but he wasn't up and I didn't know where to go." Mac says thinking about the time Riley had come to his house after breaking up with Aubrey. "Well you helped me when I broke up with Aubrey so now it's my turn to help you." Riley says opening the door and stepping to the side to let him in. "Thanks. It definitely wasn't as easy as I had hoped." Mac says. Riley sits next to him on the couch. "What happened?" She asks. "Desi was still upset about earlier and she said that the reason I was breaking up with her was because I wanted to be with you...... and to be honest she isn't a hundred percent wrong. The main goal was to end the relationship so neither of us would be hurt more than we already are but part of me also wanted to end it so I could follow my heart..." Mac says. He looks up at Riley and sees how stunned she looked. Riley tried voicing the question that's on her mind but her voice was failing her. Mac could read the question in her eyes. "I like you as more than a friend Riles. I have since the day I met you I just never realised it till it was too late. Part of me tried getting over you by being with Desi but it didn't work. I know you said you were over your feelings but I need you to at least know how I feel." Mac says. "Mac..... it..... it didn't work......" Riley says, a few stray tears running down her face. "I tried to close the door, I really did, but it didn't work. Everytime I got close to closing it you said something or looked at me and I lost it." She says. Mac looks her in the eyes and sees so much pain and a small little glimpse of hope. He doesn't hesitate and moves to close the space between them. His lips collide with hers and it's a very slow sweet kiss. Both feel like they could float away at any second. When their bodies reminded them that they required oxygen to live they pull away both out of breath and in shock. "I've wanted to do that for so long." Mac tells her. "Me too, Mac. You have no idea." Riley says a smile starting to form. He pulls her into a hug and they both feel an overwhelming sense of relief. "I'm so happy your still here..... when you flatlined I felt like I failed you and....... it nearly broke me." Riley says. "There's something about that I've never told you..." Mac says. Riley gives him a questioning look. "When I flatlined, I had a flash of memories. Some were with Bozer, some with Matty, Jack, Russ and Desi. But the majority of them...... were of you..." he says waiting for her to react. "I..... I don't know what to say." Riley says a little shocked. "It's not something I was expecting you to have a response to. I just needed to get it out. You're the only one I told besides Jack..." Mac says. "Well I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me that. And honestly Mac, I really do want to try to be more than friends but for tonight we should both get some sleep. Do you wanna sleep on the couch? Or I could sleep out here and you could sleep in my room. It's completely up to you." Riley says. 'Though I don't hate the idea of sleeping together' she thinks to herself. Mac had a similar thought but decided they should take things slow. "I'm fine with sleeping on the couch." Mac says. "Okay, I'll go grab some blankets and a pillow." Riley says disappearing into her room. This was the first time Mac had really been able to admire Riley's apartment. It was very simple but it definitely screamed Riley. There were some records on the walls. Some of them were ones her and Jack both liked. Mac thought Jack would approve of all the decorations except maybe the wall of fairy lights that had a few strings with pictures of the team. Jack would probably claim it was too extra but Mac loved it. Riley came back with the blankets and pillows and they both went to bed.

The next morning Mac was awoken by the smell of food. He got up and saw Riley in the kitchen cooking with earbuds in. He snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Riley jumped a little but relaxed when she realized it was Mac. She took one of her earbuds out and set it on the counter. "You scared me." She says. "That was kinda the point Riles." Mac says smiling. Riley's smile faltered a little and for a split second Mac felt her tense at the nickname. "Do you not like the nickname?" Mac asks concerned. "No I love it! It just gives me a warm feeling inside cause your the only one who has ever me called me that.... I know it sounds stupid but..... it's special to me." Riley says. "Well I'm glad my nickname for you is special." Mac smiles. She smiles back at him and she leans forward. Just as their lips were about to touch someone knocked on the door. Riley rolled her eyes and her and Mac both smiled. They seemed to have the best timing. Riley opens the door to see Jack. "Jack? What's up?" She asks. "I can't find Mac. He wasn't home so I texted Boz. I'm starting to get worried Desi might have offed him or something." Jack says concerned. Mac came to stand next to Riley and Jack relaxed. "It's fine. He came over last night after he broke up with Desi." Riley says. "I'm just glad he's safe." Jack says. Jack's face shows a small ounce of confusion and then worry. "Jack?" Riley asks. "Did you guys?" Jack asked worried that they were taking things way too fast. "Ew Jack no! We may have kissed but that's about as far as it got. We didn't do what you were thinking." Riley says. Jack looks relieved which tells Mac he definitely did not here the 'yet' Riley muttered to herself afterword. Riley asked Jack to stay for breakfast and it felt nice to be all caught up and be together as a family.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this one shot! I'm sorry I didn't upload sooner. My brain is procrastinating and despite how much I wanted and needed to write I couldn't get my brain to come up with ideas. I'm a little behind on plotting season 6 but I'm getting there. I have to get my second COVID shot tomorrow so I probably wont be uploading till at least the middle of next week. Anyways I hope you guys are all doing well and have a great summer. #savemacgyver

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