Chapter Twenty: These Arms Are Open All Night

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12th May 1989 / Sayreville New Jersey

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12th May 1989 / Sayreville New Jersey


"Woah woah woah slow down darlin', calm down for a sec," Jon's voice tried to soothe me down the line.

"CALM DOWN!?" I yelled, probably making his ears ring. "I GOT FIRED!"

"No! No...that's not fair!" I cried, completely distraught. My mascara was probably an inky mess on my face right now; a clatter of bags and papers surrounding my feet after I'd dropped them.

"No, Miss McAdams, I think it's plently fair," my boss said coldly, giving me the same glare I'd seen her give many times to children who'd misbehaved in the school. "I can't have staff taking three days off work in the past few months, and then being late on two other occasions,"

Her voice had always been like nails on a chalkboard to me. I'd always hated the woman with a passion, she was the one thing I didn't like about working in that school; that and the kids that never behaved, but she couldn't be serious- she wasn't going to fire me, was she? Well she did, knowing full well that I had no other source of income, and I'd worked there for over five years.

I'd been a sobbing mess for the past hour now; Jon had happened to call in the middle of it, and I'd answered the phone completely distraught.

"I know, I know," Jon said calmly, "But just take deep breaths okay? I can't understand a word you're saying,"

I hiccuped through the tears, trying to wipe them away but more just kept on coming. It was easy for him to tell me to calm down, he wasn't the one that now had no job. I was already struggling for money, what the fuck was I supposed to do now.

"She- she fired me because I'd been late twice- and I'd taken three days off in the past three months," I sobbed, sniffling as I tried to stop my nose from running. I'd been crying for over an hour, I had absolutely no idea how I still had any tears left in me, I was just distraught.

"Who- the principal?" Jon asked, clearly sounding a little pissed.

"Yeah," I sniffled. By now my sleeves were completely soaked with tears I'd tried to wipe away. I heard Jon sigh down the line, and I could just picture his face. I smiled, it was barely there, but it was a smile nonetheless.

"And you're worried about the money, yeah?" he asked softly. I curled up into a ball, as ashamed as I was about it; talking to my boyfriend about how I was struggling with money, there was no point in lying to him, why else would I be in never-ending tears about the whole ordeal.

"Mhm hmm," I mumbled, slightly embarrassed. I heard him sigh again, only making more silent tears trickle down my face.

"Look, sweetheart, you don't have to worry about the money, okay? If you're strugglin' me n' the guys have your back,"

That's exactly what I didn't want though, to end up relying on someone else. I wanted to prove to people that I could do it myself, it was just embarrasing to be having this conversation with my boyfriend, who was never gonna have to worry about money again in his lifetime.

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