Chapter Twenty Two: Get Ready

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25th May 1989 / Sayreville New Jersey

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25th May 1989 / Sayreville New Jersey


Jon's thumb lightly danced across the back of my hand in an attempt to calm me down. As I stood at the doorstep of his parents house, I couldn't help but feel a little intimadated. The average sized door seemed to only increase in height by the second; or perhaps I was just shrinking. Who knew, maybe it had something to do with the constant pounding of nerves throughout my body. I'd called Jon silly for being so scared of my Dad, and yet there I stood in the exact same position, barely able to move.

I was sure his parents were going to be lovely, I mean Jon had to have got his kindness and compassion from somewhere, right? It didn't stop me from being terrified, Jon was their eldest son- the last girl he'd dated was an actress for Christ's sake, and a gorgeous one at that. I was quite the step down in that aspect.

My heart jolted when the door opened, revealing an older looking man. He was moderately short, hair greying, I assumed maybe he was in his early fifties. A kind smile was present on his face, and that smile was what made me realize who this man was; Jon's Father.

"Hey Dad," Jon smiled, stepping up onto the doorstep to embrace his Father in a hug.

"Jonny! Good to see ya son," the older man grinned, clapping Jon on the back. Seeing them stood with each other like that really made me realize how alike their expressions were. While Jon didn't look a whole lot like his Dad aside from a few standout features, his facial expressions and mannerisms were almost identical.

"You too Dad," Jon said with a gentle grin.

Both men turned their eyes back to me, who offered them a small, nervous smile. I was about to say hello, but Jon spared me the introduction. "This is my girlfriend, Haylee,"

The elder Bongiovi smiled at me, which calmed my nerves to some extent. Honestly I was more nervous about meeting his Mom than I was his Dad. I'd heard so much about his Mom, Carol. Jon had told me on many occasions about how badly she wanted to meet me, and quite frankly I was scared I'd turn out to be one big disappointment to her.

Jon's Dad stuck his hand out to me kindly, which I took instantly and shook. "It's good to meet ya kid, I'm John,"

For some reason I forgot that Jon was named after his Dad. I suppose it was weird to think that Jon was actually Jon Jr. "Jonny's told us a lot about you, c'mon in,"

I didn't even get to say a word before I was welcomed into the house. I think he could tell I was nervous and was trying to make me feel comfortable, which I found very sweet of him. I also couldn't help but wonder what exactly Jon had been telling his parents about me.

Jon grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, giving me a comforting smile, and then throwing a small wink. Even when he was just joking around, he was incredibly sexy when he winked at me. "How are you both then, you doin' okay?" John asked as he shut the door behind us, leading us through to presumably the living room.

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