Chapter Forty: Faithfully

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15th July 1990 / Redbank New Jersey

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15th July 1990 / Redbank New Jersey


"I was thinking the 31st," I mumbled, petting Jasper in my lap. I cast my gaze over to Jon, unmoving and silent as ever as he continued to stare at the pages of his book. "Jon?"

"Huh?" he muttered absentmindedly.

"The 31st, for the wedding, what do you think?"

"Oh. Yeah, sure," he agreed, eyes glued to whatever it was he was reading. I don't know what was so important to him that he couldn't even discuss our own wedding. I know he'd been stressed the past few days about stuff to do with work and the future of the band, but he'd been so broody and standoffish that it was beginning to get on my nerves. Even now, as we sat on the same bed, just feet away from each other, he barely even acknowledged me.

"What's on your mind?" I attempted to ask, placing a gentle hand on his knee.

The tension between us was thick, and it wasn't the good kind of tension. Sometimes I just wished he'd open up to me more. He was always honest, fiercely so, but he had a habit of trying to hide his stress. It'd only gotten worse since he stopped smoking, that was supposedly his output for any stress he was going through. I for one, was relieved he'd stopped though; I think he was secretly glad too.

"I'm trying to read," he said placidly. Jasper began to chew on my hand, apparently finding it more satisfying than any of the toys we'd bought him.

I looked back to Jon, rolling my eyes and muttering "Suit yourself," under my breath.

Jasper was restless, I'd taken him for a walk this morning, but he was still full of energy. The poor thing wanted to play with Jon, he'd been following him around all morning, tugging at the bottom of his pants and howling after him. Jon only found it a nuisance.

He was odd when it came to Jasper. I think it had something to do with all the stress he was under, but honestly most of the time he'd stay out of his way. It wasn't that he didn't like him, because sometimes I'd catch him snuggling with him on the couch, or petting him while he watched television, and Jon really did love dogs.

I think he'd just been in a rotten mood for the past week.

Jasper wrestled himself out of my arms, bouncing over to Jon with a happy grin on his face. Accidentally, he knocked the book out of Jon's hands, and then began to lick Jon all over his chest, which happened to be bare.

I couldn't stop laughing at Jon's expression of horror, but Jon didn't seem to find it amusing in the slightest. In fact, he looked positively peeved.

"Noooo, no Jasper not my chest," the man whined frustradedly, trying to pick the dog up and put him to the side. He grimaced at all of the slobber left over his chest, giving the puppy a dirty look and snatching his book back. I couldn't believe how awful he was being.

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