third grade- the shoe story

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ok so i fixed up the paragraph spacing a little bit so its understandable but other than that i did nothing to alter this hunk of junk

Ginny Latte and Beatrice Latte loved to jump in mud puddles. And they loved to run. They never cared what shoes they were. They didn't even care if they were shoes at all! But for some reason they beg their mom to go shoe shopping every week. So they do.

what mom do they have that lets them go shopping every week hon how are they not broke-

It was a lovely day, so mama said, " It is such a beautiful day,would you two like to go ride some rides?" 

rIdE sOmE RiDeS

"What do you mean by that?" Ginny asked. 

Papa walked slowly into the room. "She means the fair,and you're not going!" Everyone stared at papa. "Without me!" He squealed. 

omg the cringe-

"The fair!" Beatrice shouted running in the room. "I want to go!" She was jumping in the air. 

"Not so fast little sis, we need to pick our shoes out." said Ginny. "My high heels will do great!"

i literally have a sibling, third grade me knew that no siblings call each other "lil bro" or "big sis" but i wrote that anyway  

"Yeah right." high heels whispered. 

"I will do my sandals." Beatrice said. 

bea hon youre gonna what your sandals

edit: normalize shoe x human relationships <3

shoesexuals are valid <3

"Oh no." whispered sandals. And off they went.

But when they got there, "I can't do this!!" screamed high heels. 

"I can't either!!" screamed Sandys (What Beatrice calls sandals.) 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" the girls yelled. 

As they hopped out of the car Ginny said, "Why, how! There are too many words going out of my mouth right now!" 


"Let me explain," high heels said in a proper voice. "We have been cursed!" 

"No we have not!" said Sandy in a very weird way. "You just got us at a magic shoe store, and you really got to stop being such a drama queen heels, it ruins the nonfiction part of your silkey brain." said Sandy while Ginny and Beatrice's jaws were open like a shark. 

"a magic shoe store" so they go to the same shoe store every week?
"the nonfiction part" omfg im dead

"What is going on you two?!" There mouths were still open, papa didn't know why, so he closed them and went to the ticket booth. 

wait so this father just went up to his daughter's mouths and just closed them-?

"I think we should keep this a secret." said Ginny. 

"Agree." said Beatrice. They rode a couple of rides, but they could not forget about their shoes. That's why they went home one hour early.

a g r e e 

When they got home they took the bucket of shoes to their room. "Ok, what do you want us to do?" asked Beatrice. 

"Well you have to promise not to do weird stuff with us." said cowboy boots, who seemed to be the leader of the shoes. 

what kind of wEIRD STUFF-

"Ok!" said the girls.

So they went to bed. "I think something's fishy with the way they promised to us." said fishermen boots, who the girls promised that they would throw him into the bathtub every time they went to the bathroom. 

what .o.

"I think so too." high heels said. 

"Let's set up a plan." said cowboy boots. 

"Ok, next monday they will not know what hit them! To shoe glory!" 

the shoes are out here like wELP time to murder some kids

To be continued!

spoiler alert- i never wrote a sequel

written by baby meWhere stories live. Discover now