fourth grade- The Super-Friend Girls:Their (Mostly Emojigirls) Origin and Stuff

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ok so THIS is gonna need some explaining- my best friend at the time and i had our like superhero OCs and our nine year old dumbasses thought we were gonna become bestselling authors and make a show and go to hollywood like we were 100% serious about these OCs being our careers. I was Emojigirl and she was Miss Awkward and we wrote stories and were planning like thanksgiving specials and episodes for the show and shit. this was the only completed story that ended up being made out of the two of us lmao. it aint new york bestselling but its on wattpad now and theres no turning back from the internet

also id just like to add that emojigirl was born when i got a sparkly emoji t-shirt at the mall and made a mask out of paper and dragged my friend into making superheros with me lol, we came up with this story together and i wrote it and i mean we dont talk anymore but best friend from fourth grade, half credit goes to you

It happend. I had to do it. Cute outfit + superpowers= superhero. What was I thinking?!? (I try to make this story as NOT corny as possible.)

It was just a normal summer in the city. The boring kids were in boring summer school. Teenage super hero Captain Neon was fighting a goo alien. And I, 8 year old Brittney Jefferson (who is, for the last time NOT related to Thomas Jefferson) was yelling and running from a monster in the park.

you know, as you do

Not a real monster. I have an overactive imagination. I was pretending to be my own superhero. I couldn't come up with a name, though. I was wearing my emoji shirt, (heart eyes ) so it would have to do with emojis. My mom even made me a one of a kind super hero mask, a cape, and a utility belt. I put my stuffed pig in the belt so she can be my sidekick. Then something unusual happen.

omfg this is literally a self insert-

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OOPH!" I herd somebody scream. I reconized that scream. It sounded like Captain Neon. The girl I hve buttons, comics, and even bed sheets for. I hear her almost every day. So a city has a teen with powers. That is NO reason to do awfulness, bad guys!

oh my god this is so cringy but so wholesome at the same time

My mom was looking at her phone, so I could sneek away like a mouse. I ran out of the park to see what was going on. It WAS Captain Neon. The citys one and only (and best) super hero. The goo alien threw her to the ground. (That thing was like, 200 feet tall.) With my mask still on, I got as far away as possible. Just backed away to the fence. I groaned. This was not a figure of my imagination. The hero haerd me, and perked up. She had a sign of hope on her face. I had no idea why. I'm 8.

i remember imagining this in a disney infinity world and i cant get over that

She shot strong, neon sparkles at my chest, right where the emoji on my shirt was and still is. I fell to the ground. I felt so weak. 2 seconds later, I felt something. I felt mexican wrestlier strong. She also sliped a neon pen out of her belt and tossed over to me. I cought it as I was laying on the street. I was crazy thinking.

"mexican wrestlier strong" oh my godddd

Why would a dying hero give all her speshall things to a 2nd grader? What could I do?


The next thing I knew, I was the one floating in the air when Neon was on the ground. I didn't want to get invlolved, although I was, so I got to the ground and walked away. All of a suddon, a girl with short, black hair and a freckled face walked up to me. At the time I didn't know her name.

written by baby meWhere stories live. Discover now