What if...?

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Mumbo's POV
The next day

"Iskall, Mumbo, have you seen Grian?" X called over to me as I wondered the same, beginning to panic knowing that no one had seen him again.

"I thought he'd of been the first person here." Iskall responded before I could.

"Yeah, I can go find him real quick though." I suggested to Xisuma. He nodded.

"Please do, and be fast, we have to leave here soon." Xisuma walked away, placing more boxes in his inventory as I flew off, waving at Iskall as I left.

Last time Grian didnt show up, I didnt see him for a week. And I didnt want the same thing to happen again. I couldnt bear to see him as depressed as he had been in the past weeks. The server needed him to be out of that state so we could save t/n, and I needed him back so I could find the right chance to ask him to be more than friends after all this waiting and waiting. (Lol, almost forgot this was a Grumbo book for a few chapters. Dont worry, still is ;])

I landed in the center area of his base as always, looking around frantically for any sight of red or blond anywhere.

"Hey G, were gonna be leaving soon, you good?" I hollered up to the top.

"Y-yeah give me a sec!" I heard back from above. He wasnt at the top, there wasnt enough echo, but he was definatly above me.

"May I come up there?" I asked. It took a few seconds but he responded with a simple 'yeah'. I opened my Elytra and rocketed up checking each floor until I found him with the demustachifier (it's been to long, I don't remember what they called it lol).

"What if we took your mustache right now, and you had to fight without it?"

I paused. Is that really what's kept him up here?

"Grian... that's not why we're up here is it?" I sat down quietly next to him. He looked back down and held his hands in his lap. I waited patiently for a response but didn't force it out of him.

"N-no..." he whispered after a few moments, "it isn't."

"Then what's wrong, you can trust me because I lo- really care about you..." I almost said 'I love you', and, though I wouldn't be lying, it's still not the best time for this. He looked at me for a split second before going back to the machine.

"What if... what if we're too late. What if we took too long and now t/n is... gone. Worse, what if we get there and fail? They see a chance to escape and come home and we fail and die right outside their prison," I listened carefully, watching as tears began to stream down his cheeks.

Grian continued to freak out over the possibilities, and I could tell he was getting a little far from reality. I had to stop him, keep him from panicking and cheer him up.

He went quiet as I grabbed his hand. Grian looked back to me, cheeks flushed red though I couldn't tell if it was from the crying or blush. I didnt care, I needed to comfort him.

"Grian, we have to take the chance. And I can almost guarantee that nothing that you are worried about, needs to be worried about. X has been planning this for months. Everything is prepared and t/n is just a portal jump away. We can do this, you can do this, I believe in you." I reassured him as best I could, squeezing his hand in mine in the process.

Grian's shocked expression soon turned to a small smile as he leaned toward me.

I returned the hug as he wrapped his arms behind my back and set his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you Mumbie..." My suit muffled his quiet words but I could still hear them clearly.

"Sure thing," I mumbled, "Now c'mon, let's go get the kid back." I kept my grasp on his hand as we stood up and began to leave his base.

No ones POV

X stood by the shore with all but two of his friends. Grian and Mumbo were still nowhere to be seen and it had been about 20 minutes since Mumbo left to find the other. The two needed to get here soon if they wanted to get to the portal before sunset.

"Hey, has anyone seen Mumbo and Grian yet?" X yelled across to everybody, viewing the huddled groups as they mentally prepared for what they may find in the foreign world. No one responded, all just looking around and shaking their heads.

Xisuma was about to text Mumbo when he saw two familiar figures in the sky. As they came closer to the ground, X could make out a red jumper and black suit.

"Took you two long enough! We've been waiting for 20 minutes!" Iskall hollered as the two landed on the grassy floor.

"Sorry, it's my fault we took so long." Grian apologized, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand. The other was behind his back, still gripped to Mumbo's.

"That's fine, we need to leave though, it will take awhile to get to the portal."  X said, taking note of their hidden hands and blush smeared faces, he smiled under his helmet.

As Xisuma took off into the sky, everyone else followed close behind. Well, almost everyone.

Iskall ran up to Mumbo and Grian just as they were about to leave.

"Hey Mumbo, got a second?" Iskall asked. Mumbo motioned for Grian to go without him, watching as he took off.

"You took quite awhile up there with Grian. Were you guys making out or something?" Iskall chuckled after he was sure Grian was out of ear shot. Mumbo immediately panicked.

"W-what?! No! Why would- would you assume that?" Mumbo retorted. Iskall smirked.

"Do you really think no one noticed you two holding hands when you landed?" Iskall replied sarcastically.

"I- C-come on, we gotta g-go." Mumbo opened his elytra and took off. Iskall followed behind, still bugging Mumbo.

"Dude, c'mon, your my best friend and I can tell you're in love. I gotta help you with this somehow! But you have to talk to me." Iskall pushed as he caught up with the mustached Hermit. Mumbo just continued to fly, keeping his eyes in line with everybody else.

"How long have you had this crush on G?" Iskall asked. Mumbo paused for a second, how long had it been? He still didnt acknowledge Iskall though.

"Mumbooooo, talk to me pplleeaassee!" Iskall continued to whine as they fired rockets behind them.

"I'll sing the song." Iskall threatened.

"Dont you dare." Mumbo finally spoke.

"Mumbo and Grian~" Iskall began.


"Sittin' in a tree!"


"K-I-S-S," Iskall continued to annoy Mumbo, "I-N-G!"

"FINE! What do you want to know." Mumbo gave in, beginning to regret the decision he made.

Wattpad says that this is chapter 49, I counted, it's only 29. Wattpad is dumb lol.

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