Lets (attempt) Flying!

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It was a few days later, X still hadn't pranked me back, let alone said anything about it. Grian, Mumbo, and Iskall said not to worry about it, so I haven't been. Well, not much. My anxiety was getting the best of me once again. I told Grian, as I trust him the most, and he suggested going to get me an elytra. I agreed and we invited Mumbo and Iskall to tag along.


I was at the End Portal with Iskall while we waited for the other two. My hands were shaking, and bad too. The most I had talked to Iskall was on the first day and little encounters here and there. This little trip was supposed to ease my anxiousness, not worsen it. No offense to Iskall, but he wasn't helping.

I kept my hands in my pockets as I pretended to admire the portal. It was distracting me slightly, the swirling specks that were encompassed in black. The designes on the frame were soothing to run my fingers along. Its fine. Grian and Mumbo will be here any


"Sorry we took so long! I forgot something and had to go back!" Grian said, holding up some golden carrots. I took my hands off the End Portals frame and went to hug Grian. It surprised him, but he returned the hug. My shaking must have been bad cause he noticed. As I let go, he grabbed my hand and breathef in and out slowly, telling me to do the same. I nodded and released his hand.(ohhh cute little reader and Grian moment! I've been wanting to do this! yes, its a friend or sibling cute not the shipping cute)

"We all set?" The Swede asked us. We all nodded and hummed in response.

"I'll go with (tn), you two go ahead!" Grian said, waving the other two away.

"OK, see you on the other side!" Mumbo said hopping in, Iskall close behind.

Once he knew they were across, Grian turned to me.

"Are you OK? Your hands are shaking quite alot." Grian had kneeled down on the ground. I half-heartedly nodded as i sat down in front of him, staring at my hands. My breaths were shallow and fast, only getting worse.

"Calm down. You don't want to hyperventilate!" His hands were on my shoulders as he helped me not die of hyperventilation.(aaahhh big words). My hands had cooled down a good amount, enough for me to stand and hug Grian steadily at least.

"Ready?" Grian asked me. I nodded as we walked to the portal. We walked up the stone stairs and onto the frame. He looked down at me once more, and I nodded. We jumped in and I immediately felt dizzy. It was worse than a nether portal or the one I came through to get here.

Once on the other side, I fell over, my head still spinning.

"(Tn)!" They all said.

"I'm OK, just never gone... Through an End Portal before. I'll be fine." My words were slow but clear. Mumbo pulled me up and placed a hand on my shoulder. He gave me a warm smile and continued walking.

"X just reset it so it shouldn't take to long." Grian said, mostly to me, knowing of the anxiety.

~~~•~time skip brought to you by a lazy, procrastinating, middle schooler, aka me~•~~~

We had arrived at an End Ship and were collecting things as well went. I had fun floating from the Shulkers although they did hurt a little. When I did float, Mumbo had to grab my ankle to make sure I didn't float to far. We all got a good kick out of it, making the atmosphere seem lighter. (I know, another cheesy joke!😂)

"Here we go! An Elytra! Loot the chests too, there always helpful." Grian said, handing me the wings. I carefully put them on and started looking through the chest. While grabbing the items from the second chest, someone placed something over my head!

"Haha! Good job Iskall. I don't think they can even see in the dragon head!" Mumbo said, taking the head off of me. It was true, I couldn't see a thing in it. I chuckled, shoving the last item into my inventory.

"OK, let's get back! I want to test these, and don't trust myself to fly here..." I said starting the walk back.

~~~•~le time of le skip~•~~~

Once we were in an open field, Grian, Mumbo, and Iskall started teaching me how to fly.

"Open them, grab a rocket, start it, and jump!" Grian said as he demonstrated the steps. He flew up s few blocks then came back down.

"Now you try it! Don't worry, if you fall we'll catch ya!" Iskall smiled and patted my back. I walked forward, open, rocket, jump!  I followed the steps and went hardly off the ground. I tried again, open, rocket, jump! I got maybe so much as paper things higher.

This process repeated itself, each time I got slightly higher, and each time I became more thrilled. The three Hermits helped and cheered for me the entire time. At one point, Stress came and spoke a little, then left to continue her ice-castle.

After a few hundred tries, I managed to get far enough off the ground to hover, though it was difficult and I ended up on my face. I was getting tired and Mumbo said it was about time I went back to my base for some sleep. I didn't argue but made all of,them promise to help me fly again the next day. They all agreed and we went out separate ways, Grian seeing me off at my base.

OK so I frigging love writing this story and if you have any ideas pls say because im running out. I hav a few but they won't last long. Eventually we will get into the actual story. Right now its just kind of one-shot type things. I'm also going to change what the bad thing is because I had a better idea that I actually thought through so, yea. OK, enough typing. Bye!

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