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Your POV.

Another day, another set of rules to follow.

Now that Zhuvito believed I was on his side, I had to use the powers that I promised myself I would never use. I never wanted to blast people with the purple lightning or get into people's minds. But Zhuvito forced me to.

If I didnt, I was threatened with the machine. Once when I refused to blast one of his workers, he grabbed my wrist, leaving the horrible burn marks, and dragged me to the machine. Mind you, from where we were, the machine was at least 5 minutes away. And no, that's usually not a long time, but when it feels like your hand is going to be burnt and shriveled off, 5 minutes feels like 5 days.

The only person in this hell hole that I even slightly trusted was Lazlo, the guard assigned to me. He brought me food and talked to me, even if it was only for a few seconds, no one else would so it gave me slight hope. Lazlo had become suspicious to me though. He said he never wanted to work here in the first place, but has been ignoring me when I try to figure out his reasoning. I wanted to know why and to see if he could help me leave...

I havent seen the Hermit's in what felt like months, but truly it was only 2 or 3 weeks. I wanted so badly to go back to Hermitcraft where I knew I was being watched over. I wanted to go back to the server where I had friends that kept me safe. I wanted to go back and make Grian and Mumbo stop the gay awkwardness between them! I wanted to go home...

But I'm losing hope... I'm losing hope that the Hermits will find me. I'm losing hope that I'll ever have a normal day again. A normal day where im not paranoid of every creak of the door. A normal day where I dont look at my hands and think 'My powers are for evil and only evil. Their is no good that can come from of these hands.' I want my life to go back to how it was when my brother and I played video games all day, eating so much candy we threw up. I want to-

"Squirt, what's going on in their?" Lazlo demanded. I didnt respond. I couldn't. My head wouldn't comprehend the question and find an answer to it. I wanted to respond, so I crawled my way to my cell door and sat in front of it, banging my hand against it meekly. The bang was more like a tap from my lack of energy and motivation.

"Squirt?" Lazlo asked again, but in a more concerned voice. I tapped again, backing away as the door opened. Lazlo checked around the hall before walking into my cell. He laid his sword on the ground quietly before kneeling in front of me.

If someone had leaned in front of me to get my level a month ago, I would ask them if they were making fun of my childish height. But this time, it seemed like a gesture of care and concern for my well being.

"Make this quick kid, I cant be caught in here with you, what can I do?" Lazlo questioned as he peeked out the window of the door over his shoulder. I just looked up at his eyes with a plead of savior in my eyes. Checking over his shoulder once more, Lazlo hugged my disheveled figure.

It felt nice. This one simple gesture of kindness was the first I had gotten in this place, and it felt good. I cant even imagine what a hug from one of the Hermits would feel like when I'm finally our of here.

I hugged Lazlo back quickly and began to let tears spill out onto his metal armor. He couldn't have noticed it, but if he did he didnt mind. I never wanted the moment to end. I had a strange sense of security that I didnt want to let go. But I had to, he couldn't be caught in here hugging me. Knowing this himself, Lazlo released his grip on me, stood up, grabbed his sword, and opened the door.

"Dont tell anyone about this, got it?" Lazlo said quietly. I nodded as I tiny grin peeked onto my face. Lazlo smiled back and then returned to his post outside my door. I crawled back to my bed and laid down, getting the first half decent sleep these last weeks.

Zhuvito POV

How do I get that moron of a child to trust me. They only do as I say when I threaten them with the Extractor. It defianlty scares them, but I cant threaten them with it if they dont listen to me when I go to destroy servers.

"Boss, do you have a minute..?" Timothy. Always Timothy.

"What now Timothy. I'm plotting my destruction of everything." I answered strictly.

"Well, uhm.. dont you think you're a little... rough on #2305? I mean, they are just a kid after al-"

"Do you think I care Timothy?! Do you think going easy on them is going to get them to obey me?! Unless you want to end up like Jackson I suggests you dont try to interfere with my plans, got it?!" I yelled in a harsh manner, immediately sending Timothy running. He didnt want to end up like the last guard to get in my way. Torn to shreds by the ender dragon, left for dead in the End. A demise that I very much enjoyed watching, but it put me a guard short. So I hired that Lazlo guy just before I took the kid. Well, I didnt really hire him, I took Lazlo against his own will. Needless to say, he learned to listen to me very quickly, unlike Timothy.

I went back to finding a way to control my super weapon as outside went dark, marking the day I've had the kid for a month.

Hehe, there you go! Another chapter finished, and I know it's short but I'm out of town with my family so I didnt get much time to write. BUT. I drew Lazlo for you guys. First time I've ever drawn armor and I drew it in the car of all places! When I get back home I will draw it on paper that isnt a weird shade and color it.
(Sorry its sideways)

(Sorry its sideways)

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