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Your POV

"C-Cleo?" I whispered, slowly peaking my eyes open to adjust to the light.

"Yeah, it's me. Now c'mon! We gotta go!" Cleo pulled the covers off of me.

"Go? Where are we going?" I questioned as I sat up with caution. I brought my hand up to my face, expecting to feel bruises and dried blood, but... I felt none...

"To Grian's base silly! It's your birthday, we have to celebrate!" Cleo said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of bed. Birthday? And my wrist, it didnt hurt when she grabbed it.

I finally realized, I'm in my base. I'm in my base! Im home! Im safe! The scars are gone, the bruises are gone, the burns are even gone!

"Ok, now get dressed, I'll be waiting outside." Cleo waved as she left the room. I nodded and went to my mirror, staring at myself in disbelief again. Tears falling down my clean, healed face, I admired my room, the small details that I put in. The shelf of shiny and interesting items I would find everywhere, the books scattered on the floor, pictures and drawings spread unevenly on the wall.

"Tn!" Was that Cleo? I would assume it was Cleo, but it sounded weird.

"Tn!" Ok, that's definatly not Cleo but who is it?

"Tn!" There it was again, and then it went black for a second.

"There you are squirt, cmon get up. Boss needs you, urgent." I woke up again... it was all a dream. I was still stuck here... The cobblestone walls still confine me. That bitch of a ruler still has me in his horrid castle in this dreadful cell.

I dragged my self out of bed and followed Lazlo. My newly cleaned and fixed shoes hit the floor with each step, it felt great to have cleaned and repaired clothes thanks to Lazlo and Ania. I havent met her, but shes already made me feel safer.

The white hallways were as pristine as usual, I could see my reflection on the quartz floor. My hair was still growing longer and more matted around my paling face. I still had a slight limp from an injury maybe a month ago. My wrists were bubbled and pink and black from the untreated burns.

I redirected my view up when a door opened in front of me. I stumbled backwards when I saw the dark skin and purple cape. He was glaring out the window, it's the first time I've seen the outside since before I arrived here. I heard an explosion, Zhuvito sighed and spun around, acknowledging my existence in the room.

"Well how about that. The crabs are actually here for you." Zhuvito sighed out stepping forward to me. It took me a second to process what he had said. The Hermits were here to save me?! I could've cried, I could've fallen to my knees and cried at that very moment.

"I'm giving you the opportunity right now to go look, are you gonna take it or not?" I ran to the window and slid down it as I stared at the grassy floor.

And there they were. Even with their armor on, hundreds of blocks away, I could tell that those people fighting were my friends. I could see the cause of the massive explosion, Etho had charged a creeper and made it explode. He was about to charge another one when he was hit in the back with an arrow. Luckily, he had protective armor and it only startled him.

I was relieved, he was fine. But my demeanor changed when the creeper he had been charging exploded. He flew back a few feet and landed on his back. I wanted to yell, but I didnt want to risk my safety when I was so close to going home.

Before I could see if he was ok, I felt that horrible burning sensation on my wrist. My eyes teared up as Zhuvito dragged me away from the window.

"Lucky for you, you get to go down there with them. But I dont think that your gonna like the reason." Tears slipped down my cheeks as I realized what he meant. I have to fight the Hermits...

I zoned out. I couldnt think straight or keep my mind on a single thing. I had even gone numb to the pain of my wrist. Everything had gone black, I was awake, but nothing was processing in my head.

I was out of it for maybe five minutes, and in that time Zhuvito had dragged me all the way to the main hall of the castle. But something was off, I couldnt quite control myself. I was aware of my surroundings, but I couldnt move my arms or legs or anything. I shifted my eyes to the hand that Zhuvito had ahold of.

My veins were glowing purple even under the burns. I felt my muscles tense up as I finally regained some control if my body. I was able to lift my left arm, and I thought of ways I could get away. The door was right there, if I just run, even with my limp, I can make it out if here.

I doubted myself for a second as I stared at Zhuvito, would I really be able to do this? I looked behind us to see Lazlo, he was looking back at me, steps slow and resistive. I showed him my left hand, I signaled him to stop where he was. He saw my eyes and arms and recognized the situation.

He backed up, hiding behind a tall pillar. I turned my own attention back to Zhuvito and held my hand up. I looked slightly away as I focused on the claw like hands, still somewhat unsure how to control this.

This time felt nothing like when I was being held in place and forced to use this special skill. I had power over Zhuvito for once and it felt so good. My hand felt slightly warmer as purple hit Zhuvitos wrist, right where he had always held and burned me. He immeadiatly let go, retracting his hand into his deep purple cloak.

I did it again, this time aiming towards his shoulder. Zhuvito fell back slightly, hissing in pain.

"Why you little... how DARE you! You will pay for this!" He yelled, moving towards me. I aimed at his other shoulder and repeated. It stopped him long enough for Lazlo to run and pick me up, carrying me through the giant front door.

I looked over Lazlo's metal plated shoulder, seeing Zhuvito back on our trail. I aimed at him once more, it being difficult from the moving. I managed to hit his upper right chest area, sending Zhuvito backwards a few steps. His purple eyes widened as he stared at Lazlo and I.

"Put them down now unless you want to be hurt!" Someone yelled while I continued to stare through the door way. I turned my head and I could have cried right then and there.


You get two more chapters after this lol.

It's taken me two years but y'know, at least I'm finally getting it done.

Also, I just got a cool Nightmare Before Christmas rubik's cube and I screwed it up and now I cant fix it and it made me sad so I put it in a dark corner of a drawer so I wouldnt have to look at it anymore.

Perfect solution right?

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